As you might have read in my post about FLEXIcontent earlier today, I was hoping for front-end editing capabilities in the next version of the extension.
Now, I'm happy to announce that FLEXIcontent 1.5.3 will have front-end capabilities. The final version will be released later this week (Tuesday og Wednesday).
But, if you want to download it now, you can get the SVN release today.
Version 1.5.3 of FLEXIcontent has full front-end submission capabilities, with custom fields.
Other new features include the ability to display subcategory items in a parent category page, a mini gallery plug-in, show_intro parameter overriding: global -> type -> item, auto publishing feature for front-end submission form, add events to the content plug-in, JCE MediaBox for pop-up type in field image and much more.
See below for full change log.
Control front-end permissions with FLEXIaccess
The new FLEXIcontent version will work with the also upcoming version 1.0.5a of FLEXIaccess. This extension is used to control access to front-end elements.
Download the SVN version now
When the final version is released, you can upgrade easily. You should be able to upgrade your excisting installation without any problems. But, as always, do a full backup of your Joomla site and database before upgrading anything.
Download FLEXIcontent 1.5.3 stable SVN
FLEXIcontent 1.5.3 stable - Build 318 - Changelog
* -> Security Fix
# -> Bug Fix
$ -> Language fix or change
+ -> Addition
^ -> Change
- -> Removed
! -> Note
+ New features
+ Full front-end submission with custom fields
+ Full front-end edition with custom fields & FLEXIaccess permissions
+ Display subcategory items in a parent category page
+ New minigallery plug-in
+ Add show_intro parameter overriding: global -> type -> item
+ Add autopublishing feature for front-end submission form.
+ Add events to the content plug-ins
+ Add parameter to the state field to allow displaying icon instead of text (issue 12)
+ Add metadata.xml file to allow hidding filemanager and fileselement views from menu manager
+ Append values to the core fields to allow more flexibility in display
+ Add compatibility of the Alphabetical Index with UTF8
+ Add JCE MediaBox for pop-up type in field image
+ Add a type filter list for the item element view and auto adjust the modal window (menu manager)
+ Add a configuration parameter to define extra css properties on the submit/edit form
+ Add a refresh confirmation message when all items are bound to their extended data
^ Modifications
^ Manage the FLEXI constants globaly through the system plug-in to be sure they are defined everywhere.
^ Improvements on the file plug-in (when a file is unpublished)
^ Improve fileselement and filemanager to add an items filters
^ Improve the router
^ Improve post installation process in terms of ergonomy and performances
^ Modification on the image field to allow front-end submit/edit and to disable the tool tip
^ Improved items view for FLEXIaccess users to allow users to display all items they can edit only and the category filter accordingly
^ Improve code from the getAlphaindex() method (issue 33)
^ Use the autocomplete for the tags on front-end instead of the checkboxes
^ Move the inculde subcategories items parameter from the menus to the categories
^ Set a specific limit parameter scope for the items view in backend
# Bug fixes
# fix bug on category menu filter and add the state filter (
# fix bug extended data not saved (issue 13)
# fix bug with double quotes striped from the text fields (
# fix bug about create link if the article are not in flexisection, use joomla article url format.
# fix bug Hits default field suffix text
# fix bug about category layout(field ordering was not correct).
# fix bug on the search plug-in and improve compatibility with joomfish allowing users to display only the results in the active language
# fix bug missing coma in the $query of the search plug-in
# Fix a bug when deleting and trying to edit an item (issue 26)
# Bug on category filters when cache is activated issue29 (
# Bug on the search plug-in with publish up and down (issue 31)
# Bug on the radio button field when no value is set in the configuration
# Bug the fields where not loaded properly when the versioning was disabled
# Bug administrator group edit permissions where not properly filtered by FLEXIaccess
# Bug avoid versioning the hits field, fix issue 18
# Bug with opentag and closetag displayed even if there's no value
# The types list was not alphabebitically ordered in the item view in backend
# Fix a bug on the copy/move feature (issue 39)
$ Language
$ Add underline to language string See:
$ EN spelling and grammar fixes. See:
$ EN grammar fix. See:
$ Added 3 missing language strings to en-GB.
$ Removed some duplicate strings from FR and EN admin language files.
$ added 2 missing language strings to fr-FR. See r216.