FLEXIContent 1.5.5 available for download

logo-flexicontentEmmanuel Danan of FlexiContent fame, has silently released a new version of the software to GoogleCode.

Version 1.5.5 includes a number of bug fixes, as well as some new features. Among the new features is the addition of a new FlexiContent Tag Cloud module.

The version also removes a potential security risk (deprecated method "setCacheThumbChmod()")

Download FlexiContent 1.5.5 here

Screenshot from the FlexiContent tag cloud module
Screenshot from the FlexiContent tag cloud module

FLEXIcontent 1.5.5 stable - build 607 - Changelog -

* -> Security Fix
# -> Bug Fix
$ -> Language fix or change
+ -> Addition
^ -> Change
- -> Removed
! -> Note

# Bug fixes
# Fix issue : Bug plugin minigallery with fileselement.
# Fix issue : Bug query error about i.version , change to be iv.version no c.version
# Fix issue : Bug in components/com_flexicontent/views/category/view.html.php on line 205 around foreach ($item->cats as $cat)
# Fix issue : Bug when displaying a view on frontend and no lang var is set in the query string (issue 121) Thanks to Adrien (Acymailing) for the fix ;)))
# Fix issue : Bad alt text in toolbar plugin for social bookmarking (issue115)
# Fix issue : Editor buttons were not active anymore
# Fix issue : Bug about including the template.(change $params to be $tparams)
# Fix issue : bug when adding a file in frontend with sh404 (issue 125)
# Fix issue : Add handlers to validate.js for radio and checkbox elements (issue 124)

+ New features
+ Allow forms to use template.
+ Add the flexicontent module
+ Add : force a specific Itemid when routing a tag
+ Add the flexicontent tagcloud module
+ Add new filter types : created_by, modified_by, document type, state, tags
+ Add : can now order a category view on a custom field value
+ Add : Preview feature with auto-login option
+ Add : Notification plugin

- Removed features
- Cleanup : Remove the deprecated method setCacheThumbChmod() - thanks to Brian Teeman for reporting ;-)))

Read 6906 times Originally published on Thursday, 19 May 2011 15:05
Last modified on Thursday, 19 May 2011 15:17
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