Happy Birthday Joomla!

5th_birthday_cakeToday Joomla! turns five years old. Congratulations to all!

There are lots of people congratulating Joomla in their own special way today. Read on for a list of exciting posts and info.

For me personally, Joomla has brought a significant change in my life. I strated building sites with Joomla around three years ago, and just fell in love with the concept. As you might know, I made my own CMS before starting with Joomla. Now I could focus on the implementation and not on the coding side of a website.

After a while, I also connected with the Joomla community. And that's when I really started to see the power of open source and a vibrant, international community.

I wish all of you members of the Joomla community Happy Birthday - and hope for many anniversaries like this!

If you want to contribute to Joomla and don't know how - go to the Contribute to Joomla page.

Thank you from Joomla.org

Steve Burge from Open Source Matters has written a post at joomla.org about what made Joomla the success it now is. From humble beginnings, to tens of millions of downloads and a huge community.

Joomla is now one of the most popular software projects in the world.

Approximately 2.5% of the web runs on Joomla.

It is used by organizations as large as Apple, McDonald’s and the United Nations and by millions of people for their companies, hobbies and charities.

How did we get here from such humble beginnings? You.

Joomla is 100% community-owned and operated.

Read the full post

Brian Teeman congratulates Joomla

Brian Teeman, one of the original founders of Joomla, has written a post on the first five years of Joomla.

Brian writes:

I thought long and hard about what to write for this Birthday blog post.

I started to look back at the early days, back in September and October 2005, to see if the aims and ideas of the co-founders have come to fruition.

Then I realised that we had no grand aims of world domination just a desire to work together with a wider community to build something special.

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Joomla Birthday Movie

Some great people in the Joomla Community have put together a birthday movie for Joomla. In the movie, people from all over the globe congratulates Joomla on the 5 year anniversary.

JoomStew "Birthday Edition"

The next edition of the Joomla talk show JoomStew will feature a 90 minute talk with Brian Teeman and Andrew Eddie, among others. The talk is about the past, present and future of Joomla to celebrate the 5th Birthday.

This week's JoomStew Radio, with your hosts Robert Vining and Alice Grevet, will air on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 with 2 very special guests; Brian Teeman and Andrew Eddie will be here to celebrate Joomla's 5th birthday, to discuss the Joomla project and how its evolved over the past 5 years.

We'll kick off the show with Hils Cheyne and Babs Gösgens as they help us with some big announcements during the News segment, and then get right into the discussion with Brian and Andrew.

Catch the podcast at JoomStew.com

Greetings from Greece

My friend Nicholas from Athens has written a tribute to Joomla over at his blog:

Today Joomla! turns 5. It was five years ago when a handful of individuals decided to put community engagement and Freedom of Choice above profit and fork the Mambo CMS, forming one of the most successful 100% community-driven projects in the world: Joomla!

It's hard to find the proper words to describe how I feel about today's Joomla! birthday. Thrilled? Excited? Grateful? All these and much, much more. No word is concise enough to grasp my emotions towards Joomla!, for my relationship to Joomla! is deeper than words can describe.

Read the full post

Stay tuned for more later today. I know there are several things going to be released during the day :)

UPDATE: Check out the 5 Years with Joomla Infographic

Read 7179 times Originally published on Wednesday, 01 September 2010 12:00
Last modified on Wednesday, 01 September 2010 16:57
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