Video interview with Jisse Reitsma: Doing volunteer work with Joomla

volunteer-work-joomlaAt J and Beyond, there was a so-called 'lightning sessions'. During these sessions, people had the opportunity to talk briefly about something they're working on. Or something they've experienced. Or something they feel strongly about.

Basically, the lightning session was an opportunity for people to shed some light on things that the audience might not have heard about before.

One lightning session that stood out to me was the one from Jisse Reitsma. He told about going to India to teach Joomla as volunteer work. This sounded interesting, and after the session I asked Jisse to tell more about his experience. The result was this video.

Jisse Reitsma is from the Netherlands and works with Jira and Yireo. is a Dutch company which offers Joomla! and Magento training. offers several Joomla extensions. Among them are MageBridge, a component that creates a bridge between Joomla and Magento.

Jisse is one among many people who has made money from Joomla and other open source software. After working with these solutions for a time, he felt the need to give back. And he chose a way to give back that demanded more than most people are willing to give.

In this video, Jisse talks about why he decided to go to India to help people learn Joomla as a volunteer.

Contribute to Joomla

You don't have to go to India to contribute. I have collected several ways to contribute to Joomla, so go find a way now.

Read 6735 times Originally published on Monday, 05 July 2010 08:00
Last modified on Monday, 05 July 2010 10:26
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