Joomla 1.6 beta 9 released

Joomla 1.6 beta 8Yesterday, the Joomla project announced the immediate availability of Joomla 1.6 beta 9 (download).

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a beta version and is not intended to run any type of production site. It is intended to be used for evaluation purposes only.

Since the Joomla 1.6 beta 8 release on August 23, we have fixed approximately 69 issues in the tracker. This progress is directly related to the continued efforts of the Joomla! Bug Squad. Thanks for all your hard work in bringing us one increment closer to stable!

See the CHANGELOG below for details of what has been changed in this release. If you want to know what's new in Joomla 1.6, check out the Documentation.

What's next?

This is the ninth in the series of continuous beta releases. Beta 10 will be released on September 20, 2010.

Download Joomla 1.6 beta 9

Joomla 1.6 beta 9 changelog

1.6.0 Beta9 Release [07-Sep-2010]

07-Sep-2010 Ian MacLennan
# Updating sample data

06-Sep-2010 Ron Severdia
# [#20942] Fixed extra whitespace in fieldsets (Thanks Viet Hoang Vu)
^ Updated Blueprint cheatsheet
^ Updated backend users icon
# [#21746] Bluestork display issue with Permissions views in IE7

06-Sep-2010 Ian MacLennan
# [#21573] Error in flash uploader
# [#22018] The alert of "failed" creating a menu item doesn't look like a Failed (admin default template)
# [#22076] Update Site manager tries to create duplicate entries on second install if extension adapter behaves pathologically
# [#22198] Weblinks module follow/no follow description
# [#22204] surplus image in bluestork
# [#22205] unpublished menu items visible
# [#22220] Admin Menu Flyouts not respecting ACL
# [#22241] Everyone with Manage can checkin
# [#22256] Language string definition missing on front end.

06-Sep-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22053] sample data article capitalisation. Thanks Tim.
$ [#22272] Database Error. Thanks Bill.

06-Sep-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#22246] Remove potty mouth language from htaccess (Brian Teeman, Bill Richardson).
# Fixed issue [#22273] This is a demo. Delete for beta (Michael Babker).
# Fixed issue [#21658] Marking items as required (Michael Babker, Bill Richardson).

05-Sep-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22219] Remove overrides from Beez2.
# [#22203] toolbar icon consistency. Thanks Michael and Bill.
# [#22257] User with Delete permission unable to delete a user. Thanks Michael.
# [#22191] Search image. Thanks Christophe and Bill.
$ [#22192] Code Mirror tab mode description missing.Thanks Bill.
# [#22275] Two check-in buttons in Newsfeeds. Thanks Michael.
# [#22207] toolbar icon divider in administrator template. Thanks Bill.

03-Sep-2010 Mark Dexter
# Fix syntax errors in diff_15_to_16.sql (Elin Waring)

03-Sep-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22186] beez2 - Park links right module displacement.

03-Sep-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#22248] Fix inappropriate code comment (Brian Teeman, Bill Richardson).
# Fixing issue [#21447] - Added user.debug task to user controller to assist with access control testing.

02-Sep-2010 Ian MacLennan
# Fixed typo in 15 to 16 diff sql file
# Added missing semicolon in diff sql file.

02-Sep-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22149] Tool bar clean up focused on users with delete only. Thanks Elin.
# [#22002] Edit state ACL in edit views. Thanks Elin.

02-Sep-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#22210] module latest users (Bill Richardson).
# Fixed issue [#22211] module - latest news - typo error (Bill Richardson).
# Fixed issue [#22169] After selecting cannot set -use default- (Klas Berlič1, Ian MacLennan).
# Fixed issue [#22052] sample data menu capitalisation (Brian Teeman, Tim Plummer).
# Fixed issue [#22170] Unable to Save Weblinks on Edit (Jennifer Marriott, Elin Waring).

01-Sep-2010 Andrew Eddie (and Happy 5th Birthday Joomla!)
# Fixed issue [#22118] The setRedirect method() overwrites an already set messageType (Roland Dalmulder, Artyom Bisyarin).
# Fixed issue [#21604] The "Memory Usage" debug info has no measurement unit (Javier G??mez, Nikolai Plath, Omar Ramos).
# Fixed issue [#21862] Backend menu components are not ordered alphabetically (Hannes Papenberg).
# Fixed issue [#21879] Speed improvement for Beez tempalte's use of html5.js (Rouven We?üling).
# Fixed issue [#22037] Module manager - varies only (Brian Teeman, Bill Richardson).
# Fixed issue [#21880] Relocate Database Prefix Portion of Database Configuration Installer Screen (Matt Thomas).
# Fixed issue [#20427] Media Manager: impossible to upload image in the specific folder chosen (Jean-Marie Simonet, Hannes Papenberg).

31-Aug-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22150] hathor menu type - unable to select type. Thanks Bill.
# [#22161] edit article - show icons and + param missing
# [#21932] checkall-toggle does not work with Hathor template on User Manager: Users screen. Thanks Andrea.
# [#20920] Featured Button Missing on Front End Article Submission. Thanks Hannes.
$ Reordered front-end en-GB.ini strings
$ Modified publish/unpublish to enable/disable in Extension Manager->Manage toolbars
$ [#22156] edit weblink - order description missing. Thanks Bill.
$ [#22152] permissions edit terms inconsistency. Thanks Bill.

30-Aug-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22050] useful joomla links menu. Thanks Bill.
# [#22046] cannot unblock users. Thanks Michael and Dennis.

30-Aug-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#21952] JButtonLink does not set toolbar id correctly (Daniel Reibelt, Hannes Papenberg).
# Fixed issue [#21868] 500 bad query error on saving a template style not assigned to anything (Elin Waring).
# Fixed issue [#20468] Featured Articles editing returns to articles pages (Greg Daynes, Hannes Papenberg).
# Fixed issue [#21999] Error on creating a group with an existing name (Elin Waring).
# Fixed issue [#22102] E-mail field in contact editing does not validate (Roland Dalmulder).

29-Aug-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22023] Enlarge inputbox for article title on modal select.
# [#22104] hathor col fix. Thanks Bill.

28-Aug-2010 Mark Dexter
# [#17689] Menu Creation - "Contained in Menu" set to main menu
# [#21819] Cannot save editted article using frontend with cache enabled

28-Aug-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22048] manager column order inconsistency. Thanks Bill.
# [#21891] Refactoring Article Options. Thanks Bill.

27-Aug-2010 Mark Dexter
# Revert issue [#17689] Menu Creation - "Contained in Menu" set to main menu

27-Aug-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22020] Move Template Positions Parameter tp=1 into Template Options from Global Configuration. Thanks Amy, Hannes, Michael.
$ [#22084] Publishing Options Language changes and inconsistencies. Thanks Bill.

27-Aug-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#17689] Menu Creation - "Contained in Menu" set to main menu (Christopher Garvis, Ian MacLennan, Mark Dexter).
# Fixed issue [#22088] Cannot change default language in Language Manager: Installed Languages view (Michael Babker).
# Fixed issue [#22054] extra tip in contact form (Brian Teeman, Bill Richardson).
# Fixed issue [#22043] Manager layout consistency (Brian Teeman, Bill Richardson).
# Fixed issue [#22055] Email or e-mail inconsistency (Brian Teeman, Bill Richardson).
# Fixed issue [#20847] Remove _self in mod_random_image (Amy Stephen, Rouven We?üling).
# Fixed issue [#9627] Installation of admin e-mail with plus symbol not validating (Richard Vazquez, Hannes Papenberg, Christophe Demko, Ian MacLennan).
# Fixed issue [#21924] form element "hidden" not entirely hidden (Boris Baddenoff, Bill Richardson).

27-Aug-2010 Sam Moffatt
# Fixed issue with com_admin XML manifest file (excessive new line)
+ Added joomla.xml file for future updates and tracking

26-Aug-2010 Ian MacLennan
# [!21949] Reverted systematic elimination of DS as directory separator

26-Aug-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22044] Menu level filter wording. Thanks Bill.
# [#22056] incomplete language strings in admin contact. Thanks Bill.
# [#21888] Forbidden keys in language files not properly handled. Thanks Nikolai, Hannes, Andrew.

26-Aug-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#22064] Non-functional, unfinished, duplicated and outdated form field: mediamanager (Artyom Bisyarin).
# Fixed issue [#21977] Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in \libraries\joomla\document\html\html.php on line 161 (Ronald Pijpers, Bill Richardson).
# Fixed issue [#21717] Create action in installer permissions configuration (Sander Potjer, Michael Babker).
# Fixed issue [#22060] Banners Options refactoring- Code missing (Jean-Marie Simonet).
# Fixed issue [#22063] Select with optgroup not works in admin component form (Tomasz Narloch, Bill Richardson).
# Fixed issue [#22045] block users error message (Brian Teeman, Bill Richardson, Michael Babker).
# Fixed issue [#22079] Installer item types hard coded (Samuel Moffatt).
# Fixed issue [#22078] Install Data update for extension update (Samuel Moffatt).

25-Aug-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#22032] Category editing gives error on saving/canceling (Roland Dalmulder).
# Fixed issue [#21976] deprecated function ereg_replace mod_footer (Ronald Pijpers, Bill Richardson).
# Fixed issue [#18506] Category Manager / Edit Category: Edit Groups + Reset to Inherit links do not work (Andy Tasch, Bill Richardson).
# Fixed issue [#21132] User Registration Duplicate Page Headings (Amy Stephen, Bill Richardson).

Read 6026 times Originally published on Tuesday, 07 September 2010 01:00
Last modified on Wednesday, 08 September 2010 02:32
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