Joomla blog posts from around the web (20/11)

joomla-week-20Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 20:

Government of Greece Uses Joomla

JPeople Communication Manager

Giving Thanks for Community Help Documenting Governments Using Joomla!

The Joomla! Community Leadership Team is Growing!

Joint Leadership Summit Goals

2011 goals and budget for the Joomla! project

Open letter to Brazilian Joomla Community

Creating forms in Joomla 1.6 with bfForms

Government of Greece Uses Joomla

Written by Steve Burge

Before every Joomla day this year, we're featuring a major Joomla site from the event's location.  This weekend is Joomla Day Greece which takes place on May 28 and 29 in Athens. Find out more at 

Greece has given us many prominent Joomla developers and sites. Some major Joomla sites in Greece include these three from the media:, and

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JPeople Communication Manager

Written by Sandra Warren

JPeople would like to announce our new Communication Manager, Isidro Baquero. 

Isidro has been a member of the JPeople translation team since the very early days.  He has been a profound help in the Spanish community on the site where he works to assist those members.  He is also a local moderator of the International Spanish forums (username hefesto) as well as a Spanish editor on the Joomla Community Magazine.

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Giving Thanks for Community Help Documenting Governments Using Joomla!

Written by Ryan Ozimek

I'm constantly traveling from one event to another, and many times I find myself in front of a crowd of government leaders and managers interested in using Joomla! within their agencies.  At each of these events, I receive the typical question one would expect:  "so, which governments around the world are using Joomla, Ryan?"  For too long, I didn't have an answer for them.

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The Joomla! Community Leadership Team is Growing!

Written by Wendy Robinson

The Joomla! Community Leadership Team (CLT) is currently seeking new members to join us on our team and we want YOU, our fellow community members, to nominate those you feel would be well suited! (yes, you can nominate yourself as well ;) )

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Joint Leadership Summit Goals

Written by Alice Grevet

In preparation for the Joint Summit (CLT, PLT, OSM) sheduled for July 29 - 31, 2011, at eBay in San Jose, California, the Joint Summit Committee has compiled a list of proposed goals for discussion at the three day meeting. The list below is shared with the community for feedback before finalizing the meeting agenda.

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2011 goals and budget for the Joomla! project

Written by Paul Orwig

As a new element of the planning and budget process, each Joomla! leadership team (Production Leadership Team, Community Leadership Team, and Open Source Matters) has set major goals for 2011. This goal setting effort has the following benefits:

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Open letter to Brazilian Joomla Community

Written by Luis Méndez Alejo

On May 14th, the Brazilian Joomla community was surprised to learn that the website was to be sold. This site is the main domain for Joomla in Brazil. We understand that the owner will use a blind bid process, that is, the bidder who offers the most money will win, regardless of the reason for wanting to purchase the website.

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Creating forms in Joomla 1.6 with bfForms

Written by Phil Taylor

A lot of customers old and new have been asking if they will still be able to create forms in Joomla 1.6 with Phil-a-form or bfForms. The answer is no :-( but yes :-) .  Well, Phil-a-form has been Joomla 1.0.x only ever since it was created and bfForms has been created for Joomla 1.5 – so where does this leave Joomla 1.6 form creators?

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JED Announces Support System

Written by Matt Lipscomb

In March 2011 the JED hit 7000 listings.  Now, half way to 8000, we are announcing a major change and improvement to the JED.  It's my pleasure to introduce the JED Support System.  With over a quarter million registered users in the JED, providing support is the primary use of volunteer time.  In the latest blog, we outlined a few areas of improvements that we would be working on over the coming months.

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Joomla!Day Greece 2011 Recap

Written by Ryan Ozimek

When the opportunity presented itself for me to speak at Joomla!Day Greece on May 28-29, 2011, I hopped at the chance to be there.  Having kicked-off two Joomla!Days in the US myself back in 2007, I know how much preparation and anxiety can rest on the shoulders of organizers for these inaugural events.

Read the complete post here...

Read 4462 times Originally published on Monday, 30 May 2011 13:00
Last modified on Monday, 30 May 2011 12:46
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