Joomla blog posts from around the web (26/11)

joomla-week-26Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 26: 

• Helping me to spread the Joomla!Love

• A Lawyer for All Seasons

• Where is the code? Where is the tracker?

• Multilang in 1.7 What's new?

• Even More 1.7 Features

• Help Wanted for the Joomla! Events Team

• - Coming soon to help Extension Devs collaborate in promoting their extensions !

• Joomla 1.6.4 and deals plazajoomla

• Slight delay on Joomla July Template + RokGallery Release

• Joomla 1.6 version of captifyContent is now available

• 2000 reasons to celebrate

• It's a small world - I'm famous (he he) but why my daughter doesn't like Joomla!

Helping me to spread the Joomla!Love

Written by Brian Teeman

It seems like I'm being asked to speak at a JoomlaDay event somewhere in the world almost every week. Much as I enjoy spreading the word and the Joomla!Love (tm) I just can't attend every event that I'm invited to.

Read the complete post here...

A Lawyer for All Seasons

Written by Brian Teeman

For the last year I've been helping my father publish his memoirs, A Lawyer for All Seasons,  and on Monday that whole process reaches it's natural conclusion with the Press Launch. After practicing as a Lawyer for 60 years dad had a lot to say and with him being a technophobe it's been a long and drawn out process.

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Where is the code? Where is the tracker?

Written by Elin Waring

With the new development strategy there has been a lot of renaming and reorganizing of development resources for the different groups working on development and for people who want to contribute bug reports, patches, features and documentation.  In this post I’m going to point you to some of the new and renamed places for things.

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Multilang in 1.7 What's new?

Written by Jean Marie Simonet

1.6 has brought a simple but efficient way to implement a multilang site in Joomla!®. See the tutorial.  1.7 goes further.    

1. Some bugs were corrected in the languagefilter plugin

2. The Language switcher module has new display possibilties. Drop-down for the languages, use of short names like FR, EN, etc.

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Even More 1.7 Features

Written by Elin Waring

If you look at the 1.7 beta, which was released recently, you may want to know where to look for new features. In 1.7 most of the changes, even though technically features, are really enhancements of existing functions, making them work better for site users, site administrators and developers. I posted recently about some of them, but here are some more, some of which may not be immediately obvious.

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Help Wanted for the Joomla! Events Team

Written by Robert Deutz

Since the start of the Joomla! Project we have had an Events Team.  This team created the Joomla!Day Charter and helped create the first of many Joomla!Days. Over time, the Joomla!Day organizers became more professional and the help of the Events Team was not as necessary.

Read the complete post here... - Coming soon to help Extension Devs collaborate in promoting their extensions !

Written by Parth Lawate

Hey Joomla Extension Devs,

we have some awesome news for you all !  We have started a new experiment called as DealsInJoomla ( to ease the process of promoting extensions to the Joomla user community. With Joomla serving over 5% of sites world wide, Joomla Extension Devs have a huge market open to us. The key is to get to every user using Joomla effectively & efficiently.

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Joomla 1.6.4 and deals plazajoomla

Written by Jim Shirkey

I tried to upload the above and open it up on my url but i got an error message saying i needed to delete the installation file first in order to proceed. that is as far as i got. i thought i deleted the file but i still couldn't get the site up.

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Slight delay on Joomla July Template + RokGallery Release

Written by Andy Miller

Although the plan was to release on July 5th, we are going to push back the release of our July Joomla Template and our new extension, RokGallery, to Thursday July 7th. This delay is because there are just too many features and functionality we feel must be in the initial release.

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Joomla 1.6 version of captifyContent is now available

Written by  Anthony Olsen

Our free Joomla extension CaptifyContent is now available for Joomla 1.6. If you haven't seen it before, Captify first made a splash on the front page of our Grid Joomla template and it is basically a module that can create a lovely grid layout for images from your content items or category images. The implementation in Joomla 1.6 has changed slightly so please make sure you read the docs on the Captify page for an update on how to use the category image option.

Read the complete post here...

2000 reasons to celebrate

Written by Johan

It’s has been a bit quiet on our Nooku blog in the past weeks. We have been working very hard to get Nooku 0.7 Alpha 3 ready for release. Today I’m both proud and excited to let you know that Alpha 3 has been officially tagged in all our repositories on the Nooku Developer Portal.

Read the complete post here...

It's a small world - I'm famous (he he) but why my daughter doesn't like Joomla!

I was at home yesterday evening and my daughter said "Dad, I really fancy a Burger King - can you run down there and grab me one before I go out?".  Being a great father and at the beck & call of my children, I duly jumped into the car and drove down the road to the local Burger King.

Read the complete post here...

Read 4768 times Originally published on Monday, 11 July 2011 13:30
Last modified on Monday, 11 July 2011 23:01
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