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Joomla blog posts from around the web (34/11)


Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 34:

• Six years ago today
• Joomla! Rocks on Its 6th Birthday
• Get involved with the future roadmap
• RokGallery 2.0 has arrived
• Drupal 7 Comes to RocketTheme
• DOCman 2.0 Preview in Joomladay Germany
• Taking screenshots of module parameters in Joomla
• Adding fancy box to a Zen Grid Framework template
• Our Joomla 1.7 Templates
• Does blogging bring you business?
• New fees and subscription plans coming on 2 September

Six years ago today

Written by Brian Teeman

Six years ago today I sent a short email to just over 100 people.  Whilst the words may not go down in history with the words of Neil Armstrong or others their results have had an effect on the lives of people in every country in the world. Something that I don't think any one of us could have predicted.

Read the complete post here...

Joomla! Rocks on Its 6th Birthday

Written by Steve Burge

Today is Joomla's 6th birthday!  On September 1st, 2005 the Joomla name was unveiled for the first time.  On September 1st, 2005 many of us started an exciting journey and we're delighted that you've joined us along the way.  Last year on this day we said a huge "Thank You!" to everyone involved in the project.

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Get involved with the future roadmap

Written by Andrea Tarrby

Joomla 2.5 is due out in January, which is the culmination of the 1.6/1.7/2.5 series. Now is the time to be mapping out those things we want to accomplish in the next series, which will culminate in the 3.5 release in July 2013.  At the recent joint summit we discussed the process for establishing goals and milestones for the long-term Joomla releases. We want more seats at the table for the technical discussions on how to move things forward. Once every six months the PLT and developers will meet just before or after an existing event to work on the roadmap.

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RokGallery 2.0 has arrived

Written by Djamil Legato

Since the launch of RokGallery we had an incredible amount of features requests. Although we couldn't satisfy all of them, we are very happy to announce RokGallery 2.0 which includes many new features as well as bug fixes.  Here I'd like to go through some of the new features:

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Drupal 7 Comes to RocketTheme

Written by Luke Whitson

We have received a lot of inquiries about the status of our Drupal themes and Drupal 7. I posted an update last month on the status of our themes for Drupal 7 and stated that we would begin releasing Drupal 7 themes in August. Well I am happy to announce our first Drupal 7 theme - Crystalline.  Crystalline was one of our more complex themes with features like the color chooser. So we wanted to make sure we could make everything work properly in Drupal 7 with this theme.

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DOCman 2.0 Preview in Joomladay Germany

Written by Myra

Big news for DOCman fans! Joomlatools will be part of the Joomladay Deutschland celebration in Hamburg, Germany this weekend (Fri 2th & Sat 3th) September.  Our own Tom Janssens will be at Joomladay Deutschland to demo the latest developments in DOCman. This is one of two sneak previews of DOCman 2.0 happening on the same weekend but in entirely two different continents.

Read the complete post here...

Taking screenshots of module parameters in Joomla

Written by Matthew Hayashida

Have you ever needed a simple way to provide your clients or users with a screenshot of all the preference panels in a module, menu, or content item? With this little trick you can quickly and easily provide screenshots for support, user documentation, or personal reference.

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Adding fancy box to a Zen Grid Framework template

Written by Matthew Hayashida

You already know that the Zen Grid Framework allows for basic css and javascript to be added in the template administration. But what if we want to add functionality for something like FancyBox? This is a little beyond the scope of the basic include functionality, so let's look at a good, efficient way to do this.

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Our Joomla 1.7 Templates

Written by  Anthony Olsen

While we gradually make our way through our Joomla template catalogue and create Joomla 1.7 template versions of previous designs, there are a couple of places on the Joomlabamboo network that you can keep aprised of Joomla 1.6 and Joomla 1.7 compatible templates.

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Does blogging bring you business?

Written by  Paul Hassing

In my experience, yes.  I know this for sure, because one prospect contacted me and said:     

You don’t know me, but I’ve been following your blog for some time. And, having seen what you’ve written about various topics, and how you interact with your readers, I’ve formed the opinion that we can do business together.

She was right.  And it sure beat the crap out of me cold-calling her.  Such explicit blogging-for-business wins are rare.  To the intense frustration of old-school marketing types, it’s very hard to calculate return on investment for social media.

Read the complete post here...

New fees and subscription plans coming on 2 September

Written by  Victor Drover

At the end of each summer we typically take a look at our prices and promotions and make any necessary changes.  This year we are keenly aware that some of our products are still transitioning to Joomla 1.7 and beyond. In addition, feedback from our customers reveals some confusion over our JCal Pro themes as these products are not GPL-licensed like all of our other extensions.  As a result, we’ve decided to retire three of our product bundles:

Read the complete post here...

Read 5370 times Originally published on Monday, 05 September 2011 01:00
Last modified on Monday, 05 September 2011 12:15
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