Joomla blog posts from around the web (36/11)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (36/11)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 36:

• Join or Start a Production Working Group
• Toronto Joomla Beginner Training
• DOCman 1.5.11 and 1.6.1 released
• Joomlatools sponsors Joomladay NYC 2011
• Open Source CMS Joomla! Exceeds 25 Million Downloads
• Introducing Focus - A Responsive Joomla Template Responsive
• Simplifying the Joomla 17 module position dialogue
• Media queries for Joomla templates - Part One
• Use Amazon CloudFront to instantly improve the performance of your Joomla web site.

Join or Start a Production Working Group

Written by Andrea Tarr

Do you have a feature that you’d like to see in Joomla? Do you have an interest in a specific area that you think needs work? Think about joining or starting a Production Working Group on that topic. These working groups are led by community members and have regular contact with the Production Leadership Team.  This is a good way for people to work together to create code that has a good chance of getting into core.

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Toronto Joomla Beginner Training

Blog? Ecommerce? Publish articles? Promote something? Market something? Perhaps you just want a hobby to make a little extra spending cash or maybe even start your own web design business? Where do you start?

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DOCman 1.5.11 and 1.6.1 released

Written by Tom

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of DOCman 1.5.11 for Joomla 1.5 and DOCman 1.6.1 for Joomla 1.7. We also released new versions of our Productivity Pack tools for both DOCman 1.5 and DOCman 1.6.  More information about the new releases can be found in our changelogs:     

* DOCman changelog    

* Productivity Pack for DOCman changelog

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Joomlatools sponsors Joomladay NYC 2011

Written by Myra

We are proud to announce that Joomlatools is a Silver Sponsor of Joomladay NYC (New York City) 2011!  Joomladay NYC happens on 22-23 October 2011. Day 1 features workshops with a Newbie Track, Business Track, Joomla Tools Track & Joomla Developers Track. Day 2, JoomlaDEVDay, has been dedicated to developers. Speakers will be discussing the Joomla Platform and will get into the nuts and bolts of Joomla.

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Open Source CMS Joomla! Exceeds 25 Million Downloads

Written by Chelsi Nakano

Great news came in numbers this week from the world of open source content management: Joomla! downloads surpassed the 25 million mark, while a handful of other key milestones made their way into the news:      

* More than 225,000 registered developers at the site where open source developers work together to build extensions and the core codebase.

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Introducing Focus - A Responsive Joomla Template Responsive

Written by  Anthony Olsen

Focus combines the power of the Galleria full screen jQuery slideshow with an intelligent responsive layout to deliver a stunning folio theme that is ideal for photographers and artists alike. Focus will render beautifully on all good desktop browsers and scale to suit the smaller iPad and iPhone screen sizes.  You may have noticed I said "good" browsers - unfortunately IE6 couldn't come on the whole journey with us this month but dont worry we have implemented some changes to ensure it degrades gracefully for all of those users.

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Simplifying the Joomla 17 module position dialogue

Written by  Anthony Olsen

One of the things I don't enjoy when using Joomla 1.7 is navigating through the module position options in the admin when trying to assign a module to a position. There is plenty of stuff I like about Joomla 1.7, but this one has me regularly venting in frustration at the screen when it comes time to open that modal box.  I know that displaying the module positions like that really showcases the flexibility of template assignment and module positioning in Joomla 1.7, but I see complexity rather than flexibility

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Media queries for Joomla templates - Part One

Written by  Anthony Olsen

I have been spending a lot of my time lately, while doing design research for Joomla templates, checking to see if the website I'm viewing scales according to the browser size. I think I'm addicted to seeing the design morph and unfold as I move the browser window back and forth. I love the power of media queries.  If I'm honest I get a little disappointed when I see an awesome design that doesn't scale to match browser width these days. (Oh before you try, this design will not scale but I have a redesign in the works that will make use of media queries.)

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Use Amazon CloudFront to instantly improve the performance of your Joomla web site

Written by  Victor Drover

Whether you just launched a new Joomla web site or are maintaining an existing one, sooner or later you will look at ways to improve the performance of your site.  Simply put, you want your site to load as fast as possible for every visitor on your site. In addition, load speeds are now an important factor in determining search engine rankings.  There are many blogs, extensions and tools that address performance issues for Joomla but one of the easiest ways to speed up your site is to deliver the images, CSS files and other static elements using a content delivery network or CDN.

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Read 4749 times Originally published on Monday, 19 September 2011 11:00
Last modified on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 08:43
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