Joomla Blog Posts from Around the Web (week 1/2010)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during the 1st week of 2010 . Enjoy!

Brian Teeman: My Predictions for Joomla in 2010

As the year ends rather than look backwards at what has happened in the past it's time to look forward to what will happen in the coming year.

I made such a hash of last years predictions that I hope this year I will do a lot better by stating the obvious instead of stating what I dreamed of whilst recovering from days of indulging myself on beer, food and cookies.

Here are my Top 10 Predictions for 2010 (in no particular order).

Read the complete post here.... Optimising Joomla and Virtuemart for Google Base

This is a guest blog post by David Dawson from

I have been working with google base on my promotional products website now for sometime.  I’ve found a few different things that can greatly change the way that your products are viewed within Google Base.   This is where you can upload products that are then show in Google's search results. Because Google shows them so frequently, this can be beneficial even if you only have a few products that you want to upload.

Read the complete post here....

Community Blog: InstallFest, ForumFest, BugFest, NYC

Join us for a great event in NYC on January 18, 2010!  The JoomlaNYC Usergroup has decided to have an InstallFest, BugFest, Forumfest.  We are all looking forward to another great event.  We decided to do all 3 that way we can have Newbie users build a system, while the more 'seasoned' Joomla! folks can either mentor or help out on Squashing Bugs or helping out on the forums.

Read the complete post here....

Alltogetherasawhole: A Joomla! Urban Dictionary ...

I love this time of year as it gives you some time to be flippant. Here's the beginnings of my attempt at a Joomla! urban dictionary. Feel free to add your own ideas. :)

Read the complete post here.... Against-the-Grain Thinking for 2010

Last month I made some predictions for the Joomla world in 2010. Here a couple more ideas that I've been thinking about but haven't yet had the courage to act on:

1) What if CMSs as We Know Them Have Peaked?

What if the CMS industry has reached its high-point and may start to receed?

Read the complete post here....

Alltogetherasawhole: Complete design proposal for the Joomla! Community Magazine

Following our first design proposal towards the new Joomla! Community Magazine (read more here:, we are now presenting our final proposal, that consists of 2 layouts: a standalone design and a design that integrates with the existing website network.

Read the complete post here....

Read 4741 times Originally published on Thursday, 07 January 2010 14:00
Last modified on Thursday, 07 January 2010 13:27
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