Joomla Blog Posts from Around the Web (week 29)

joomla-week-29Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 29.

This week, we have a techie tutorial by Torkil Johnsen, the first post in the 5x5 series of blog posts on, the top 10 Joomla extensions as chosen by Brian Teeman and some info on the Joomla! Student Outreach Program, to mention some.

Enjoy the read!

Using MySQL Workbench to manage your Joomla component’s db schema

Written by Torkil Johnsen

MySQL Workbench is a great tool for developers to map out and visualise databases. What many people know is that it’s also a great way to make upgrading and writing upgrade scripts for your components really painless too.Let’s say you created a small component that became popular over night. Tens of thousands of downloads from on the Joomla Extensions Directory.

Read the complete post here...

National Leaders That Use Joomla

Written by Steve Burge

We're running a series this week that we call 5x5. Every day this week we're going to highlight 5 Joomla sites in a particular category.Today we're focusing on 5 national leaders that use Joomla for their official websites.

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Joomla! Student Outreach Program Continues

Written by elf

Our team is currently working on a project management tool extension for Joomla! 1.6. In short, the goal of our extensions is to provide user-friendly tool for everybody to manage his projects across all parts of their production cycles.During last few weeks we worked on implementing nested tables and many other cool features.

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Top 10 Joomla extensions

Written by Brian Teeman

Wherever I am I always seem to be asked for my top 10 joomla extensions.So instead of keep repeating myself I'm writing them here and I can just point people at the blog and talk about something more interesting instead when I meet you.

Read the complete post here...

Eco friendly Joomla Template for August

Written by Anthony Olsen

We have just locked in the design for the August Joomla template and this time its a soft, subtle textured, all natural, eco friendly Joomla template. The design comes courtesy of David Vuu (Avanti, Pixel Eight and Newstream fame) and I think he is done another amazing job. We are still playing with the name and Ill fill you in on more details a little further down the track but for now you can get a taste of what we will be releasing in August.

Read the complete post here...

Read 3921 times Originally published on Thursday, 29 July 2010 09:25
Last modified on Sunday, 01 August 2010 19:47
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