Joomla Blog Posts from Around the Web (week 38)

joomla-week-38Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 38.

There is a look at what happened in the Joomla project during 5 days in October five years ago. There is also a post on the TapTheme Android Joomla template concept.

You also get some posts on the redesign of, as well as a post on a new Palm site using Joomla and a status report the Joomla 1.6 development and upcoming release.

Enjoy the read and have a great week!


5 Joomla Days in October

Written by Steve Burge

September has been a month to look back and reflect on how far Joomla has come. On September 1st we celebrated Joomla's 5th birthday and 2 weeks later was the 5th anniversary of Joomla 1.0.

Read the complete post here...

TapTheme Android Joomla Template Concept

Written by Kyle Ledbetter

The design for TapTheme Android is well underway! Much like our iPhone & iPad Joomla templates, TapTheme Android will be a frontend template for your Joomla site which mimics a Google Android app for your site visitors on phones running the Android OS.

Read the complete post here...

The new - coming to a site near you!

Written by Steven Pignataro

Since our original blog post about the updates for we have received a great deal of feedback from the community. With this valuable feedback we were able to go back to the drawing board to develop what everyone is looking for.

Read the complete post here...

Version 1.6: 811 Down, A "Few" More to Go

Written by Mark Dexter

As you may recall, Joomla! version 1.6 beta was released about 4 and ½ months ago, on 17 May 2010. For fun, I just ran a count of all of the bugs that have been fixed in version 1.6 since then, and the total is a whopping 811! Way to go, Bug Squad!

Read the complete post here...


Palm Uses Joomla

Written by Steve Burge

Palm makes smartphones and they make smart choices: they've just launched a site on Joomla.

Read the complete post here...

Thoughts on the upcoming redesign of

Written by Fotis Evangelou

A few comments on the newly released mockups for the redesigned coming soon...

The frontpage of the site is missing many things. Let's start from top to bottom...

Read the complete post here...


Read 3944 times Originally published on Monday, 04 October 2010 01:00
Last modified on Saturday, 02 October 2010 07:54
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