Joomla Blog Posts from Around the Web (week 8)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 8. Enjoy!

Joomlatools: DOCman Secrets: Email notifications

Written by Mathias Verraes

Whether you are running an intranet or a public website, as an administrator, you often need to keep a close eye on what your users are doing. Especially when they are allowed to edit documents or upload new files. With DOCman Notify, it's easy to set up email notifications. Notify is part of the DOCman Productivity Pack. Tom made another great video tutorial, showing how it's done.

Read the complete post here....

Alltogetherasawhole: Badging solution or extension in Joomla 1.5

Written by Ajmal Afif

I have seen copy-and-paste badges all over the net; especially on blogger powered websites. I even saw one on brian's page.

After few while I thought it is a great idea to have it (copy-and-paste my site badge) on my Joomla project. What I am looking for is not having external badge (ie. ATAAW or other sites) implemented to my site; but instead having those badges like in blogger powered sites or even like the one we have here in ATAAW (bottom right corner).

Read the complete post here....


Joejoomla: Four Steps To Take Your Under Performing Website To The Next Level

With all the clutter that is online these days people are hard pressed to keep up with information. If you are going to get and keep any one's attention you need to be straightforward and very clear about what your website is all about. You have only a few seconds to make that first impression. Are you doing it right?

Read the complete post here....

Joomla Leadership : Request for Comment: Joomla! Contributor Agreement

Written by Louis Landry

There are some pretty exciting changes coming with regard to how we work on Joomla!.  In the near future we are going to be allowing developers to register accounts via our Joomla! Developer Network site and be given access to commit code to our subversion repositories with those accounts.  We will be keeping the trunk and release sections of our repository secured for trusted maintainers, but anyone will be able to create and work in branches so that more people can be working collaboratively on making Joomla! better.

Read the complete post here....

Alltogetherasawhole: Your Top 5 Joomla extensions

Written by Leo Lammerink

What are your Top 5 Joomla Admin Development Tools/Extensions?

Here are mine:

1) JCE
2) Better Preview
3) Modules Anywhere
4) Phil Tailors Google Gears
5) Lazybackup

Read the complete post here....


Brianteeman: Joomla 1.6 nested categories

Written by Brian Teeman

If you have been following the development of Joomla 1.6 you will have noticed that one of the new features is nested categories.

This means that you are no longer limited to the Section-Category-Article paradigm but can have as many levels of categories as you wish.

I've explained before how the current system works and how to understand the limitations by comparing it to a filing cabinet.

Read the complete post here....

Alltogetherasawhole: Business models for developing GPL Joomla! extensions

Written by Herman Peeren

Just posted this on the general-dev-list:

I'd like to further investigate business models for developing GPL Joomla! extensions. Thoughts and suggestions welcome. It would be nice if we could compile a nice list of possibilities.

We just had a nice discussion about Joomla! extensions and GPL here:

Read the complete post here....

Read 4601 times Originally published on Thursday, 25 February 2010 13:30
Last modified on Wednesday, 24 February 2010 19:37
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