Leaving for J and Beyond


Finally, I'm on my way to J and Beyond 2011. Since I attended the first JAB event in Wiesbaden last year, I've really been looking forward to go back.

The event was so nice in every way - and now it's finally time for another dose of Joomla socializing, learning and blogging ;)

What made J and Beyond 2010 so special?

Ryan Ozimek and myself at JAB 10.

I think it was many things that made JAB10 a success. But the most important one was the social aspect of the whole thing. People met and shared across borders, companies and past differences. I saw people collaborating on extension development, sharing business ideas, helping each other out and solving problems. And just having fun, drinking great German beer.

To say it in the words of Brian Teeman:

J & Beyond is all about participation, communication, learning and sharing.

As for myself, I made a lot of new friends and I learned a lot of about the Joomla community. I also learned some great things to bring back to my day-to-day work with Joomla.

Before you leave for JAB11, take a look at the challenge Brian Teeman shared with us yesterday.

A new and larger network

After the conference, I've met even more people online through the friends I made at JAB10. And that has resulted in some interesting projects, collaborations and blog posts.

So, I think you can tell I'm excited about JAB11. This year, the event will be an even bigger one. And the venue will be something out of the ordinary, if what I hear is right. The organizers have gone above and beyond to create a truly remarkable event for the Joomla community. I have no doubts that they will deliver. The programme is packed with interesting talks and there is plenty of time for socializing. Heck there is even a run on Saturday and Sunday morning ;)

Still, just like last year, what makes the conference a success are the attendees, the organizers, the speakers. All the people meeting up to share their common interest and passion of Joomla.

Joomla rocks!

Ryan Ozimek talking to Martin Blodau and Henrik Hussfelt from Sweden
The special awards jury, led by Victor Drover
Thomas Kahl and myself discussing Virtuemart
Nicholas getting his J!Oscars award for Akeeba Backup
Read 5894 times Originally published on Thursday, 05 May 2011 16:00
Last modified on Wednesday, 04 May 2011 09:57
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