Nominate extensions for the JED Editor's Picks

joomla-jed-editors-picksThe Joomla! Extensions Directory Team announced a few days ago that they have made some new guidelines for "the once Top Secret Editor's Picks".

With no new selections since 2008 and only 8 current listings, the team thought it was past time to review the and add new ones. Throughout discussions many ideas were brought up on how to handle the selection process.

To bring in community involvement, a nomination form was created. The criteria for selection is listed on the nomination form (link below). The nomination process closes in October 14th, 2010. So make sure to get yours in quickly!

How it works

Selections will be announced by the end of October 2010 and the process will repeat every 6 months. If an Editor's Picks is currently listed, that does not mean that it will be listed in the new round of selections.  Additionally, team members with listings in the directory have self-excluded from the selection process. You may nominate as many as you wish!

A total selection of up to 60 Editor's Picks will be chosen (about 1% of the entire listings).

Sparked some controversy

Not everyone thinks it's such a good idea to have these "Editor's Picks" at all. There has been some discussion in the community about this, and some have suggested they'd be removed completely. One issue that has been discussed is the challenge of the editors being neutral. As mentioned, the team members with listings have already self-excluded. However, it's really important that the editors do not make themselves look like they're corrupt (even if they're not).

The opinions around this topic are many, you'd have to decide for yourself. If you want to contribute to the process, nominate here or discuss here.

Read 5340 times Originally published on Thursday, 14 October 2010 08:51
Last modified on Thursday, 14 October 2010 09:36
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