TapTheme Android - new Joomla template for Android phones


After Kyle Ledbetter left JoomlaPraise a while ago to start TapTheme, he's been busy building admin and mobile templates for Joomla.

His latest offering is the TapTheme Android template for Joomla. The template gives the user a customized experience when surfing your site from an Android phone.

Using a free plug-in, the template is automagically loaded when visited by an Android handset.

As far as I know, this is the first Android Joomla template available.

android-phoneUser interface expert

Kyle is involved in the Joomla UX (User Experience) group over at people.joomla.org where he's working on the admin interface for Joomla 1.7. The TapTheme Android template shows that he's been working on user experience. It's cool to use and actually works equally well on iPhone as on Android handsets.

Template Parameters

TapTheme Android gives you all the template parameters you need to quickly get your site optimized for Android traffic.

  • Template Theme - 17 cool color themes
  • Homepage Control Panel - a grid of icons
  • Default Template Option - option to view desktop template
  • Homepage Search - display search module
  • Background Color
  • Font Color
  • Link Color
  • Heading Color

Android style dropdowns

TapTheme Android lets you easily add an Android style dropdown menu by simply setting up a Joomla menu module!


Control Panel

TapTheme Android offers you the option of setting up a homepage for your Joomla site which will mimic the Android OS home screen!



TapTheme Android comes packed with 17 awesome color themes ready to go! Simple install the template and edit the parameters to select your color.


TapTheme Plugin

Using the free TapTheme Plugin, you can easily direct ONLY Android traffic to TapTheme Android on your Joomla site. All other traffic can still view your default Joomla template (or any template depending on the browser used).


Go take a look at the TapTheme Android demo

Buy the template here

Read 50507 times Originally published on Saturday, 16 October 2010 11:02
Last modified on Saturday, 16 October 2010 11:34
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