Joomla blog posts from around the web (04/14)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (04/14)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 04, 2014:

  • Joomla testing – With a little help from your friends
  • Back to basics with the base3 theme
  • Buy JSN Mobilize to get extra 3-month subscription when buying Mosets Tree extension
  • Important price changes from May 05, 2014


Written by Robert Vining

We currently have several students who are participating in the GSoC Mailing List discussions and deciding on which project they want to tackle this year from the Joomla 2014 GSoC Project Ideas list. But we would really like to see as many students as possible take advantage of this great opportunity.

A few short weeks ago, Joomla was accepted into the 2014 Google Summer of Code! That makes 8 years that the Joomla project has participated as a Mentor Organization and we’re excited to take part again this year. 

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Joomla testing – With a little help from your friends

Written by Steven Rombauts

Testing software can be an arduous task. Every web environment comes with it’s own PHP version, server configuration and quirks. For a project as big as Joomla, this can quickly become a problem.

Each new Joomla release is deployed on thousands of different environments around the world in a matter of hours. Some bugs might go unnoticed until end-users install on PHP versions that haven’t been tested. This can lead to a frustrating time for everyone involved.

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Back to basics with the base3 theme

Written by Anthony Olsen

When the T3 team released the update to the T3 framework (which includes support for Bootstrap 3) we needed to create a new base theme that included all of the great new features added to T3.

The Base3 Joomla template is a new starter theme that has full support for T3BS3 and other assorted additions to the T3 framework. It is the new base theme that we will start development with all of our new T3 themes with, so it's a great place to start if you use our themes already and want to see how we work.

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Buy JSN Mobilize to get extra 3-month subscription when buying Mosets Tree extension

Written by Thao, Tran-Huong

Mosets Tree is the only directory component for Joomla! that allows you to run large directory website with customizable templates, user ratings, Search Engine Friendly URLs and more. Mosets Tree is the directory extension that powers Joomla! Extensions Directory.

JSN Mobilize is proud to fully support the mobile layout for Mosets Tree to look nice on any device.

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Important price changes from May 05, 2014

Written by Thao, Tran-Huong

To our valued customers,

Thank you for your long-term business involvement with us! Offering customers like you the best Joomla! solutions and support has been our essence since nearly six years ago.

Today, we would like to announce a price increase on PRO Standard Editions. Although we have warded off raising our prices for as long as possible, we need more human resources to improve our products' speed, functionality, compatibility, and stability as well as to timely and accurately solve customers' support requests. And all these things are to SERVE YOU BEST.

Read the complete post here...

Read 4074 times Originally published on Friday, 21 March 2014 08:06
Last modified on Thursday, 10 April 2014 15:07
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