Joomla blog posts from around the web (05/14)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (05/14)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 05, 2014

  • How RocketTheme Uses MAMP 3.0
  • Navigate our support forums like a pro
  • Zentools with External Links and a Directory
  • Joomla Day Atlanta ticket giveaway
  • Two most trusted names in Joomla announce sh404SEF Lite Partnership


Written by Paul Orwig

The board of Open Source Matters (OSM) has voted to approve the request submitted by the Joomla! Production Leadership Team (PLT) to change the license of the Joomla Framework  from GPL v2+ to LGPL v2.1+. It is important to understand that this license change applies only to the Joomla Framework, and does not affect the GPL v2+ license for the Joomla Content Management System (CMS).

This decision by OSM was the final step in a process that started early last year, when the PLT first initiated a public email list discussion and then conducted a survey aimed at the Joomla developer community. When the results of that survey indicated strong support for that potential license change, the PLT requested that OSM research legal issues regarding this potential change for the Joomla Framework. The conclusion of OSM's research with the assistance of the Software Freedom Law Center was that there were no legal barriers to prevent potentially making that change.

Read the complete post here...


Written by Michael Babker

Joomla! 3.3 is almost ready! The development team has been working away putting the finishing touches on the beta. The aim for this release was presented by Michael Babker at Joomla!Day Boston 2014:

"Joomla 3.3 will be the most stable Joomla! release. Ever!"

We have revised the launch timeline slightly to ensure we can get everything up to the quality levels we all would like, and to ensure thorough testing on as many hosting environments as possible.

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How RocketTheme Uses MAMP 3.0

Written by Ryan Pierson

Being able to run a local development and testing environment is critical in RocketTheme's day-to-day operations. Our team is spread out across the world, and each member has their own development environment that enables them to create and test their creations as they go, without having to commit every minor change to a central server.

Because the vast majority of our products rely on active installations of database-driven platforms like Joomla, WordPress, Magento, and phpBB, we needed to find a solution that offered us the ability to test, without having to dedicate an entire system to doing so.

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Navigate our support forums like a pro

Written by Steven Rombauts

With our growing number of extensions and with DOCman 2 nearing it’s stable release  we are very happy to see an increase in the superb feedback we are receiving on our support forums. Thanks for that! It really helps us to make our extensions even better.

This also means that questions may already be answered by someone else. To ensure  you find those answers more easily we have implemented a brand new toolbar on top of the forum overviews. This toolbar gives you access to the version filter and the sorting options.

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Zentools with External Links and a Directory

Written by paulus103

Zentools for Joomla is a flexible, responsive and multi purpose extension that offers the ability to display content in many different ways from slide shows, carousels, grids, accordions, lists and many more.

In this tutorial a Zentools slide show is created using a directory (folder) of images. The images are then linked to web pages using the Zentools external link function.  You can view the tutorial on the Zentools extension site.

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Joomla Day Atlanta ticket giveaway

Written by Ron van Schaik

Our very own Vic Drover will be the opening keynote speaker at the inaugural Joomla Day Atlanta.

This is promising to be an exceptional event, with an amazing line-up including some of the most talented people presenting a wide variety of relevant topics on the future of Joomla, Security, Development as well as Business practices. If you've never attended a major Joomla event this is a great opportunity.

We would love for you to be able to join us there, so we are giving away 5 tickets.

Read the complete post here...

Two most trusted names in Joomla announce sh404SEF Lite Partnership

Written by Ron van Schaik

Anything Digital has long been known as a leader in optimizing Joomla Content Management System websites for SEO as well as security.

Our SEO extension sh404SEF® has been trusted and used by thousands of webmasters that know attention to detail yields exceptional results.

We believe that the choice of hosting provider is very important to ensure that sites are fast, stable and secure. It is the attention to details such as SEO management, and powerful strong hosting that sets your sites apart from the rest.

Read the complete post here...

Read 4132 times Originally published on Friday, 28 March 2014 09:19
Last modified on Thursday, 10 April 2014 15:08
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