Joomla blog posts from around the web (18/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (18/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 18:

• Joomla UI (JUI) and Bootstrap
• MTV Uses Joomla
• The JED and Version Support
• Introducing the new Corporate Joomla template
• Proud to support Joomla events like J and Beyond
• Using JCal Pro as community events resource for the Joomla project
• How to upgrade JSN ImageShow from Free to PRO without re-installing?

Joomla UI (JUI) and Bootstrap

Written by Brian Teeman

Many people will be aware that Kyle Ledbetter has been working hard over the last few months looking at the User Interface for Joomla 3.0 and the ways that we can make it more modern, consistent and usable. This is not just for the core of Joomla itself but also as a toolkit that extension developers and designers can utilise. 

I have blogged many times over the life of this site about the "forgotten interface", beauty isn't just skin deep, joomla usability improvements, that drop down menus suck especially if you have sticky fingers and that developers and designers shouldn't feel the need to reinvent the wheel. 

Kyle has written a great summary on what he is aiming to achieve at and he has graciously allowed me to republish it here to perhaps reach a wider audience.  Apologies in advance. This is a long and impassioned post that will *try* to convey the full vision and repercussions of this effort.

Read the complete post here..

MTV Uses Joomla

Written by Steve Burge

MTV is one of the few TV channels that is truly famous around the world. Broadcasting in over 60 countries, MTV has has had a profound impact on the music industry and popular culture.  MTV recently re-launched their website in Greece using the power of Joomla:

Read the complete post here..

The JED and Version Support

Written by Matt Lipscomb

In mid-2011, the Production Leadership Team (PLT) announced a new release cycle for the Joomla CMS.  Rather than a "feature-based" release, which could take years for a new version to be released, the PLT chose a "time-based" release strategy.  Additionally, a new version numbering system was adopted to provide standardization to the versions.  If you are unfamiliar with this, or simply don't understand it fully, I recommend reading Mark Dexter's article in the Joomla Community Magazine this month.  The PLT's development strategy makes it clear that new versions will be released every 6 months and explains the goals behind this strategy.  The JED supports this strategy, however it has been a learning experience with new versions being released so quickly in comparison to the former release method. 

Read the complete post here..

Introducing the new Corporate Joomla template

Written by Anthony Olsen

I've just released the Corporate Joomla template which is one of my personal favorite responsive joomla templates to date. It's a clean design that features a background slideshow, some elegant pixelated styling, a whopping 26 colour schemes, support for our brand new Zenkit K2 templates. In addition to this Corporate is available in a our newly realised quickstart packages (see below).

As I mentioned in the post announcing the template, Corporate is a more business savvy version of our popular Lifestyle template that was released back in January of this year. We went a little overboard on this template in terms of Colour schemes and so you can choose from 26 Colour schemes, 18 different button hilites and a selection of useful and colourful module classes.

Read the complete post here..

Proud to support Joomla events like J and Beyond

Written by Victor Drover

A few weeks ago we invited you to join us at the 2012 J and Beyond Joomla developer conference in Germany where Anything Digital will be leading two sessions in the program.  The conference is now just a few weeks away and we are proud to announce that we are also officially sponsoring the event.

Community involvement is an important part of our mission at Anything Digital and we are happy to donate some of our resources to great causes such as conferences, Joomla Days and of course the various Joomla committees we participate in such as the recently-formed Events team.

Read the complete post here..

Using JCal Pro as community events resource for the Joomla project

Written by Victor Drover

For almost every community, the ability to meet and interact is often one of the most important ways that people share ideas and achieve their goals.  These meetings can be online using the plethora of tools available these days or they can be face-to-face meetings such as J and Beyond, the upcoming Joomla developer conference.  Critically, the ability to coordinate and promote these meetings and events can often mean the difference between a successful, growing community or an disconnected, stagnant one.

Thus, in both our volunteer work and professional projects, we generally recommend the use of a calendaring solution like JCal Pro® to facilitate group interactions.  We were very honored then when JCal Pro® was chosen by the Joomla project for the development of their most recent on-property resource — the new Joomla Events web site.

Read the complete post here..

How to upgrade JSN ImageShow from Free to PRO without re-installing?

Written by Huyennt

From version 4.0.0, you can upgrade JSN ImageShow from Free to PRO in the back-end, in a few seconds, without re-installing. This process saves you time and effort.  Please make sure that:

You have installed JSN ImageShow Free from version 4.0.0

You have bought JSN ImageShow PRO

Read the complete post here..

Read 4479 times Originally published on Monday, 07 May 2012 12:00
Last modified on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 20:33
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