Joomla blog posts from around the web (23/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (23/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 23:

• Joomla! User eXperience (JUX) Webinar
• RocketTheme Ending Support for IE7 Beginning August 1, 2012
• Joomla and Beyond, A First Impression
• New project management tool perfect for Joomla users
• Try the new locations feature in JCal Pro and save $10
• Shotimoo 1.1.6 released
• Advanced Site Search 3.0.5 released
• 5 famous Joomla blogs - have you visited them yet?

Joomla! User eXperience (JUX) Webinar

Written by Gary Brooks

Until the upcoming release of Joomla! 3.0, Joomla! has lacked a common User Interface (UI) for components, which has led to an inconsistent User Experience (UX). The Joomla! User eXperience (JUX) group is hosting a free & live webinar on Thursday, June 7, 2012 at 16:00 - 17:00 pm UTC (click for your local time) to illustrate how the new common UI, based on Boostrap by Twitter, will affect and benefit the Joomla! community.

Register Now! Space is limited. The JUX group is working towards creating a standard set of core UI elements for the frontend and the backend of Joomla! 3.0. Kyle Ledbetter, a principal usability engineer at Ebay and leader of the massive JUX effort, will explain how the new UI is not simply a front end or back end template, but rather a set of common UI elements for everyone. He’ll also explain how developers can contribute back to the JUI core, and help to maintain the best practice of using a common UI, if they note a missing element.

Read the complete post here..

RocketTheme Ending Support for IE7 Beginning August 1, 2012

Written by Kevin DuCommun

Over the past several months, companies and developers around the world such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Drupal and a host of others have been making a concerted effort to end support for Internet Explorer 7 as its marketshare continues to decline each month. As of this month, IE7 usage has dropped to between 2% and 4% worldwide. 

IE7 was originally released in 2006 and has long been showing its age as web development standards and techniques have moved on. IE7 lacks even basic support for many modern web standards including CSS3 and HTML5. Ending support for this aging browser allows us to take full advantage of these as well as many of the latest web technologies and standards to create richer, more powerful products.

Read the complete post here..

Joomla and Beyond, A First Impression

It's a big deal to fly over the pond. A direct flight from Toronto to Frankfurt is seven and a half hours. Not to mention the drive to get to the Toronto airport which can be nasty if you have to travel during rush hour. So I headed towards Bad Nauheim, Germany, to attend Joomla! and Beyond wondering what the next couple of days was going to be like. 

You are suppose to sleep on a flight that goes through the night so you can hit the ground running when you get there. I got four hours sleep on the flight. Not four consecutive hours, just four hours collectively. Not a great start. Then I messed up other people's plans. Jeremy Wilken pre-arranged to meet me along with others for a ride from the airport straight to the conference hotel.

Read the complete post here..

New project management tool perfect for Joomla users

Written by Anthony Olsen

We have played with a number of different online project management services over the last few years - Basecamp, Lighthouse, Apollo and Assembla to name a few. Each time we have changed project tools it's signified a maturing of our workflow. From the early days when we just used Basecamp as a collection of todo lists to our current platform Assembla, which integrates our svn, ticket system and bug tracking. 

I've been keenly following the progress of the Hot Project task management software for the last few years and while it's functionality in the past hasn't matched our needs, I think all of that is about to change.  The new Hot Project platform features some killer features including a fast user interface (my main gripe with Assembla at the moment), advanced scheduling tools, proforma project creation, document management and more.

Read the complete post here..

Try the new locations feature in JCal Pro and save $10

Written by Victor Drover

In April we launched a great new feature called Locations for JCal Pro® — the Joomla calendar — that adds geolocation to your events.  We received great feedback about this feature and were thrilled to announce earlier this month that Locations and JCal Pro® would be the cornerstone of the new events site on  Locations is only available in the JCal Pro® Standard and Ultimate subscription plans. So to get this exciting feature in the hands more users we are offering a $10 discount.  Simply Like our Facebook Page before June 2nd to reveal the coupon code. Savings are applied instantly during checkout.

Read the complete post here..

Shotimoo 1.1.6 released

Written by Ron van Schaik

Today we are proud to announce the immediate availability of Shotimoo 1.1.6 (build 38), which is fully compatible with Joomla! 1.5 and 2.5!  Shotimoo is a Joomla! module and can be download from our site for free.  This is a maintenance release.  Notes: This release includes URF-8 Support  Changelog Updates:  [feature] URF-8 support  The full description and changelog for Shotimoo is also available.

Read the complete post here..

Advanced Site Search 3.0.5 released

Written by Ron van Schaik

Today we are proud to announce the immediate availability of Advanced Site Search 3.0.5 (build 1361), which is fully compatible with Joomla! 1.5 and 2.5!  This is a maintenance release.  Notes: This release fixes several bugs in the cron processes and syndication.  Changelog Updates: 

[bug] RSS feed error in Joomla 2.5

[bug] missing language strings

[bug] fatal error when face cron active in 2.5 

The full changelog for Advanced Site Search is also available.

Read the complete post here..

5 famous Joomla blogs - have you visited them yet?

Written by Hanh

From the first time I used to Joomla, I was really excited and I wanted to know more about it, so I looked for resources, materials, tutorials, articles or anything that involved Joomla. I realize that blogs are a perfect choice. There are a large number of blogs with many different styles, and blogging content: Joomla news, reviews of products, opinions of Joomla, etc. After reading some helpful and amazing blogs, I have gathered them together and I'd love to share my list of 5 famous frequently updated Joomla blogs with you. I hope that you will be interested in these resources.

Read the complete post here..

Read 4303 times Originally published on Friday, 08 June 2012 10:56
Last modified on Thursday, 12 July 2012 20:39
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