Joomla blog posts from around the web (24/13)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (24/13)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 24, 2013:

  • A2 Hosting Global Platinum Sponsorship Announcement
  • Call For Participants for Code Sprint
  • More Font Icons for JB Type
  • Learn SEO for Joomla 3 using sh404SEF

A2 Hosting Global Platinum Sponsorship Announcement

Written by Mike Carson

Open Source Matters is happy to announce a new Global Platinum Sponsorship agreement with A2 Hosting. Their support of the Joomla! Project is much appreciated.  A2 Hosting offers optimized Joomla hosting services as well as many other open source platforms.  You can get to know A2 a bit better by also visiting our recent Meet The Joomla Global Sponsors article posted in this month's edition of the Joomla Community Magazine.  I had a chance to inspect their hosting services from a customer's perspective for hosting a Joomla website and I was quite pleased at the process from signup and instant launch of the latest version of Joomla.

The speed of the website was great on their SwiftServer platform with SSD servers. A2 is currently running a promotion for 34% Off for new customers. Use coupon code HAPPY10 to save on your first invoice!  I suggest you get the Prime Web Hosting SSD (Solid State Drives) package for a Joomla CMS website to run fast and smooth.

Read the complete post here..

Call For Participants for Code Sprint

Written by Michael Babker

The Production Leadership Team is pleased to announce that it will be sponsoring a code sprint and is seeking participants for this unique event.

What Is A Code Sprint?

A code sprint is a dedicated session in which a group of volunteers come together at a geographic location to work on code for the Joomla project. Examples of code sprint sessions could include UI/UX improvements, working on new features, or long term planning and architecture work. Typically, six to ten experienced individuals will be brought together for two days for these events.

Upcoming Code Sprint

Michael Babker of the PLT will be coordinating this upcoming code sprint event. It will be held on August 15th and 16th, 2013, in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. We will be hosting up to eight individuals for this event. A high level list of goals for this event includes:

Read the complete post here..

More Font Icons for JB Type

Written by Anthony Olsen

Just a quick not to let you know that v1.9.0 of JB Type has just been released with the addition of 58 new (and very useful icons). You can view the new icons on the Font Awesome page or check out the icons and their new code on the JB Type plugin page.

JB Type now provides the Font Awesome library to our templates

We are also in the process of rolling out new releases for our existing T3 based templates that removes the Font Awesome library.  There are a number of reasons for this and to avoid any potential conflicts we feel that it is better to maintain a single library for the font icons that are featured in our themes. This of course makes it easier for our users to update when new icons are added to the library.

So if you are using a template that is already compatible with T3 v1.2.5+ all you need to do is update to the latets version of JB Type and you will all set to go.

Read the complete post here..

Learn SEO for Joomla 3 using sh404SEF

Written by Jessica Dunbar

2013 has been quite the year for Joomla 3 and promises to be even better! Over the past year, we’ve made some real innovations in sh404SEF® and rolled out some great new features and are on the continually improving sh404SEF® for Joomla 3.  This Wednesday June 26, at 11 AM EST, we will have the pleasure of sitting down with a Joomla colleague, Ryan Bernstein, to talk about Joomla SEO and sh404SEF® in a free live webinar hosted by Cloud Access.

We’ll discuss what SEO features that are important and how to take control of your seo using sh404SEF®.  You can join in on the conversation with your comments and questions too! Register and arrive early — space is limited.You can attend the webinar online or call in via phone to listen.  We want to hear your thoughts, questions and comment after the webinar. We will have a special offer for all attendees after the webinar.

Read the complete post here..

Read 3116 times Originally published on Friday, 28 June 2013 14:50
Last modified on Friday, 05 July 2013 16:33
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