Joomla blog posts from around the web (30/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (30/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 30:

• Server Joomla Forum has been upgraded
• Responsive Design: Part 3 - RocketTheme's Extensions
• Book Review: Beginners Guide to Joomla 2.5
• Secrets of Getting an A+ Joomla! Reputation and Attracting A+ Clients
• 5 helpful Joomla video tutorial resources for you

Server Joomla Forum has been upgraded

Written by Peter Martin

Joomla forum is the place to get free technical Joomla assistance, to learn a lot about Joomla (just read questions & answers), and to help out your fellow Joomla users (please share your knowledge!).  Since 2005 the forum has grown both in users and posts. With over 2.6 million posts, by more than 520,000 users, our forum is still getting bigger and bigger.

Despite the various anti-spam techniques that we have implemented, the forum still seems very popular by spammers. We have banned almost 50,000 spammers since 2005.  When our forum experienced extreme heavy traffic the forum software phpBB3 automatically shut off some resource intensive processes. One example is the Advanced Search. The regular Search is using Google and does not require that much resources.

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Responsive Design: Part 3 - RocketTheme's Extensions

Written by Andy Miller

We covered some of the implementation details of supporting responsive design in Gantry 4 in the previous article, and in this article we're going to explain how responsiveness impacts extensions. A question that has come up several times since we started these articles is, with Gantry 4 will my site be responsive? The short answer is no, but the long answer is that it could be, but it takes more than just the framework to make that happen. Let me explain in more detail...

Responsiveness - The Big Picture

For the sake of simplicity, we'll use Joomla as an example, but the same basic premises apply for other platforms such as WordPress. In the diagram below you can see that a typical site is built on top of several layers.

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Book Review: Beginners Guide to Joomla 2.5

Written by Cliff Pfeifer

The Joomla 2.5 Beginners Guide is a well written and easy to understand guide to getting started with Joomla. The examples, tutorials and lessons are truly aimed at beginners. They assume that you have no experience with any of the concepts of Joomla or with websites in general. These concepts are clearly explained in a way that is friendly to the novice user and walks through all the necessary steps to get a Joomla website up and running in the easiest way possible. The first chapters cover everything from installation and basic concepts to building pages and putting together a simple website using a default installation of Joomla.

From there, the Joomla 2.5 Beginners Guide gets more in depth with many core features of Joomla and explains why these features are important and presents real life examples of how to use them. The progression of the book is well thought out and the examples are not only designed to show you what Joomla can do, but also the advantages and situations where you would find certain features useful.

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Secrets of Getting an A+ Joomla! Reputation and Attracting A+ Clients

In the business of Joomla! some have the A+ customers and others have clients from hell. This is an oversimplification of course but I’m talking in general terms. Unless all your clients are the A+ ones then you need an ongoing strategy to attract better clients. Spending a lot of time with clients from hell will greatly impact your ability to get the A+ clients. 

This is just one of the points in my upcoming talk for JoomlaDay Chicago in August. I delivered this message at JoeJoomla's Session at Joomla! and Beyond 2012 in Germany last May. My presentation in Chicago will be different since I have had the chance to watch the video from that presentation. Observing it from a listener’s point of view has shown me a few places where it can be better.

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5 helpful Joomla video tutorial resources for you

Written by Hanh

When you begin to make acquaintance with Joomla, you certainly need material which assists you in using it. However, sometimes, you cannot read a book with too many pages. Maybe it takes you a lot of time to read, understand, and apply; you might even misunderstand what was written. That usually makes you mad. Therefore, you should find another type of Joomla tutorial resource.  According to what I know, tutorial resources are spilt into 2 types: document and video. The majority of document tutorial resources are shared free on the Internet through blogs, e-books, forum, etc. What about video tutorial resources? In this article, I will introduce you to some useful Joomla video tutorial resources.

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Read 3536 times Originally published on Tuesday, 31 July 2012 00:00
Last modified on Tuesday, 31 July 2012 12:35
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