Joomla blog posts from around the web (39/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (39/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 39:

• Can You Help With My Joomla World Conference Presentation?
• Welcome Matt Baylor as new JED Team Manager
• Joomla 3 and RocketTheme
• Get Ready, Joomla! 3.0 Is Here!
• Introduction to K2, Joomla IL community meet up

Can You Help With My Joomla World Conference Presentation?

Written by Steve Burge

I’m starting to think about my Joomla World Conference presentation for November.  I’m planning to talk about how people become involved in open source projects and about the legacy they leave behind when they leave.  Could you guys help me out? I just need a few moments of your time to answer the questions below.  I’m really interested, not in how you started using Joomla, but in how you became involved in the community.  Who is most responsible for turning you from an ordinary user into an active contributor?

Read the complete post here..

Welcome Matt Baylor as new JED Team Manager

Written by Sander Potjer

The Joomla! Community Leadership Team (CLT) is pleased to welcome Matt Baylor as the new Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) Team Manager. Matt is member of the JED team for a while now and contributed on reports, fraud/abuse and screening of new extension submissions in the past. He will use his experience to work with the team on improvements and migration of the JED website.  Matt Baylor takes over the role of team manager from Matt Lipscomb. Matt Lipscomb also has his role as CLT liaison for the JED transferred to Sander Potjer. We would like to thank Matt Lipscomb for his role as team manager and CLT liaison for the JED in the past years.

Read the complete post here..

Joomla 3 and RocketTheme

Written by by Andy Miller

Joomla 3.0 was released on September 27th and it marks the first of the STS (standard term support) releases that will culminate with Joomla 3.5 LTS (long term support) release in September of 2013. Joomla 3.0, and the next STS version Joomla 3.1, are intended for early adopters and as such they are not recommended for the vast majority of people for developing their production sites. 

There was a great article written by Steve Burge on the Joomla Community Portal that goes into the detail regarding the release cycle and the various versions. As the article describes, for most people the standard upgrade path will be Sticking with Joomla 2.5 until Joomla 3.5 is released. At that point you will be able to upgrade to Joomla 3.5 from directly within Joomla itself via the built-in Joomla updater.

Read the complete post here..

Get Ready, Joomla! 3.0 Is Here!

Written by JoeJoomla

g3t r3ady  An Alpha version of Joomla! 3.0 is now available for download and it's an exciting new release. Among other things this new version is positioned to have mobile built right into it. So the question now is what version of Joomla! should I be using?

This particular 3.0 version of Joomla! is for developers and early adopters only. If your website is currently on Joomla! 1.5x or Joomla! 2.x you are in good shape. Both of these versions are solid. Something to keep in mind however is that Joomla! 1.5 has come to it's official end of support by the Joomla! project. Now is the time to think about the future of your Joomla! website.

Read the complete post here..

Introduction to K2, Joomla IL community meet up

Written by Eyal Ronel

2nd meet up of Israel's Joomla community, under the initiative of "Joomla veterans sharing their knowledge", was dedicated entirely to K2! Hosted at Google's HQ in Tel-Aviv and presented by yours truely. It was a a real pleasure introducing K2 and its benefits to web developers and Joomla users alike.

\Nearly 35 Joomla fans, users and developers have come to learn more about what myself and my team at Joomi have been using for the past 2+ years as one of our main must-have extension for Joomla projects - K2.  For those unaware, Israel has a vibrant Joomla community, led by a handful of professionals with a passion for open-source technologies and dedication to sharing knowledge and enlighting others.

Read the complete post here..

Read 3055 times Originally published on Friday, 05 October 2012 00:00
Last modified on Friday, 05 October 2012 21:32
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