Joomla blog posts from around the web (40/11)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (40/11)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 40:

• Search and Joomla! CMS 2.5
• 27 days count down to a new start
• JJ Tweets Module Updated For Joomla 1.7
• A Great Joomlatools Summer
• How To Package Joomla Libraries
• The Feisty Empire Apostrophe Rules

 Search and Joomla! CMS 2.5

Written by Elin Waring

Search is a central function for any content management system, and the Development Working Group has been working in a Github repository on making search be super powered in Joomla! 2.5.  Michael Babker has taken the lead in organizing this along with Chris Davenport. So far six people have contributed code. The original code for Finder in Joomla! 1.5 was done by Rob Schley, Louis Landry  and Andrew Eddie and distributed by JXtended.

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27 days count down to a new start

Written by Phil Taylor

In 27 days time (7th November) I’ll be celebrating the end of 18 months hard work for Comic Relief, developing platforms to raise money for projects in the UK and abroad.  With that project in the bag, I’ll be reinvesting more time in Joomla and “stuff” including some new releases, products, services and launches…  Watch this space… or comment and guess what you think I’m working on, or what you want to see (Extensions or services) for Joomla….

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JJ Tweets Module Updated For Joomla 1.7

Getting ready for Joomla! 1.7 sites? 

With all the busyness of life and work going on we finally found time to update the JoeJoomla JJ Tweets Module. This has been on my mind for awhile.  What is JJ Tweets you ask? It's a Twitter module for displaying your twitter status updates.     

"Available for Joomla! 1.7 

If you are already building or migrating to Joomla! 1.7 sites, no doubt you are looking for the essentials. A Twitter module is an important part of the toolkit for many websites. So if your strategy involves Twitter, consider the JoeJoomla JJ Tweets Module. It's free and a breeze to install and use.

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A Great Joomlatools Summer

Written by Johan

Summer is one of those times when work slows down and people take time off. Not at Joomlatools! We worked very hard last summer to make Joomlatools better, faster, and much more. Here is a little overview of what we worked on : DOCman 1.6 

We listened to your feedback and released DOCman 1.6 for Joomla 1.7 at the beginning of the summer.  DOCman 1.6 brings the same stability, performance and security you know from DOCman 1.5 to Joomla 1.7.

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How To Package Joomla Libraries

Written by Joseph LeBlanc

You’ve seen it before: the monster Joomla installation package. It’s a giant component, several side modules, and at least one plugin. Once you dig through the code, you notice the plugin isn’t even responding to events: it’s merely there to load up code shared by the other extensions.  Fortunately, Joomla 1.6 and higher provide a better way of handling this. Reusable code libraries can now be installed into the libraries folder without creating extraneous plugins. Just like any other extension in Joomla, a library is packaged as a .zip file with an XML manifest to guide the installation.

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The Feisty Empire Apostrophe Rules

Written by  Anthony Olsen

I can be a little lazy when it comes to typing apostrophes. In fact it's a regular occurrence for me to receive emails from readers who notice that I've either used one incorrectly, placed it in the wrong position or even missed it completely.  The following is Paul Hassing's definitive explanation of when and how to use apostrophes in your website copy. Try not to be alarmed by the language in the examples, they are couched in classic "Aussie" vernacular just to make sure the rules stay firmly implanted in your hippocampus.

Read the complete post here...

Read 4266 times Originally published on Monday, 17 October 2011 11:00
Last modified on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 08:45
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