Joomla blog posts from around the web (41/11)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (41/11)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 41:

• Roadmap Meeting Streaming Live
• Shhhh something amazing is getting ready!
• The write stuff
• Introducing the Responsive Joomla Template

Roadmap Meeting Streaming Live

Written by Andrea Tarr

We will be having live streaming of the Joomla Roadmap Meeting happening in New York City this Friday, October 21. The meeting is scheduled to start at 10 am EDT. See this link for the time in your area:  The link to the stream is During the breakout sessions in the afternoon, we will be adding a second stream at if needed. (Edited to change the second link)  The suggested twitter hash for this meeting is #jroadmap.

Read the complete post here...

Shhhh something amazing is getting ready!

Written by Phil Taylor

Shhhh we are working on something brand new for #joomla, something never tried, never tested, but soooo needed!  hint:

Read the complete post here...

The write stuff

Written by  Paul Hassing

I started tweeting ‘free daily edits’ for a laugh. To my surprise and delight, they generated enormous interest. To help you honour audience members who care about good English, here are my top tips to date:    

1. [ ] = Delete. Ditch redundant words [in order] to clarify your message [in order] to take and hold reader attention.

2. Change 'revert back' to 'revert'. It's a tautology.

3. Next time you write something, remove every 'that'. I guarantee [that] you won't put more than 25% back!

Read the complete post here...

Introducing the Responsive Joomla Template

Written by  Anthony Olsen

Earlier today I released the first of our October Joomla template releases. It's a responsive Joomla template that also has the honour of being the first template to be released on Zen Grid Framework version 2.   

Zen Grid Framework Version 2 

I'll be writing more about the framework in the next few days, but in the meantime if you haven't already seen the screenshots of the new interface design for the framework, then be sure to take a look. You can also see a run down of some of the new features in the framework on the Responsive template's feature page.

Read the complete post here...

Read 4271 times Originally published on Tuesday, 25 October 2011 11:00
Last modified on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 08:46
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