Joomla blog posts from around the web (46/11)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (46/11)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 46:

• A Report From Joomla!day Italy 2011
• Pizza, Bugs, and Fun 2011Bugs
• Languages: 1.7.3 improvements
• Weever Apps for Joomla goes Free
• A Coffee joomla! for a new "distro" Joomla! from Latin American
• Under the hood of FILEman
• Social media is changing SEO, is your Joomla web site ready?
• 9 Joomla Template framework solutions for developers
• Build a Joomla website within 2 minutes. Is it possible?

A Report From Joomla!day Italy 2011

Written by Alessandro Rossi

Organized by AlexRed, Ste and Gegè, the admins of , and hosted at the prestigious hall of the Palace of Congresses of Florence’s expo, the conference was followed by more than 1200 people, from all Italy's regions, throughout the day.  Many followed the live streaming feed of the conference, with peaks of 350 concurrent users and a total of 9000 unique hits over the whole day.

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Pizza, Bugs, and Fun 2011Bugs

Written by Andrea Tarr

We are announcing a Joomla! Pizza Bugs and Fun 2011 event scheduled for Saturday, December 10, 2011. The event is global for virtual participants with local venues where ever they are organized. The official start time is 9am in each time zone. Help us prepare Joomla! 2.5 for release early in January 2012! 

Our goal is to work on coding and testing issues in the CMS Issue Tracker as well as working on coding and testing new features for the new release. The coding will obviously require programmers to do, but you don’t need to be able to code to test. You will need to set your computer up to run Joomla locally (for instance, with XAMPP) and be able to apply patches. To do documentation, all you need is a login to the Joomla documentation wiki. If you don't already have one you can register on the site at

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Languages: 1.7.3 improvements

Written by Jean Marie Simonet

A. Multilanguage 

1. In 1.7.1 was introduced the new Multilanguage Status Module: In 1.7.3, a necessary improvement is implemented: checking the status of the Contacts linked to an Author, as it is necessary to create a unique contact per author and tagged to 'All' languages OR one contact per published Content Language. If an error occurs, a message is added in the modal with the user name concerned (Thanks Marc Studer and Christophe Demko):

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Weever Apps for Joomla goes Free

Written By Rob Porter

Today we just opened up Weever Apps -- a service that lets you turn your website into an app -- as a free service.  All of our base features that we initially launched with are now part of a new "free" plan, and more specialized features, like Mapping and Directories are staying in a premium plan for now.  In any case - if you've got a Joomla (or WordPress) site and want to be visible and usable on the mobile web easily and elegantly, please check us out --  And please, feel free to contact me if you have questions, comments, suggestions, issues, etc. We've put a lot of work into this in the past year, and the more feedback the better.

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A Coffee joomla! for a new "distro" Joomla! from Latin American

Wriiten By Baronti

Joomla Coffee its aimed to talk about new projects of general interest of Joomla! users for Chile, Latin America and the World. The topic to treat in this activity is the creation of the first Chilean/Latinamerican "distro" of Joomla!. A project which is already creating interest in many programmers and Joomla! users in Chile, Venezuela and other countries, and we hope to share this with people from all over the world. The decision is taken, and both human and material resources are available, but this is a great project that requires the participation of everyone. Our objective is to create a new CMS based in Joomla!

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Under the hood of FILEman

Written By Ercan

One of the most requested features of DOCman 2.0 is the ability to upload files in multiple folders. Currently, DOCman 1.x only allows uploading files in one folder.  Joomla’s media manager can manage files across different folders but is a hermetically sealed black box which has been around since the Mambo days. It neither allows extending it, nor can it be easily re-used by other extensions.  For DOCman 2.0 we needed a file manager that is more flexible, modern and extendable. Over the past months we re-built the media manager from the ground up.

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Written by Victor Drover

This Thanksgiving, we’ve put together two deals to get you through the holiday. From now through Nov. 30, you can get 25% off any subscription plan for Agora bulletin board or Advanced Site Search.  Advanced Site Search is completely native for Joomla 1.5 and 1.7. Use the coupon code THANKS25 during checkout to redeem your savings.  Agora is currently Joomla 1.5 compatible but the Joomla 1.7 version is in the wings and will be available to all subscribers! Use the coupon code GUNDOG during checkout to redeem your savings.  Use the buttons below to add these items to your cart directly.

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Written by Victor Drover

With Twitter building towards an initial public offering, Facebook focusing on 'frictionless sharing' and the Google Music Store allowing friends to share their tunes on Google+, social networking has never been a hotter topic.  The exponential popularity of social networking is due in large part to the proliferation of Like, Recommend, Tweet and +1 buttons around the web. In addition, the integration of social sharing features into mobile operating systems for smart phones and tablet computers have advanced social networking far beyond the desktop PC.  All of these opportunities for social engagement have created a unique category of user-generated recommendations for products and content alike.

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9 Joomla Template framework solutions for developers

Written By Huyen

Joomla templates satisfy many Joomla! beginners with designs available to create websites quickly. However, Joomla developers prefer Joomla template frameworks. They love the challenge of customization work, to get worthwhile results – their unique websites.  There are just a few template frameworks in the Joomla market. In this article, I will introduce you to 9 of the most popular Joomla template frameworks with the hope that you will get a general view about them easily.  Let’s start with …

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Build a Joomla website within 2 minutes. Is it possible? .

Written by Tuan

Working in the web development field for a long time, we often hear about how complex it is to configure a Joomla website. It takes a lot of time to achieve a result like the one presented on the demo site. The process becomes easier when you have some experience.  This inspired us to develop a unique JSM Sample Data function, which automates the whole process of making your newly-installed template look exactly like the one on the demo site. You are not required to have any advanced knowledge about Joomla CMS to use this function.

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Read 4289 times Originally published on Monday, 28 November 2011 12:00
Last modified on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 11:52
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