Joomla blog posts from around the web (46/13)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (46/13)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 46, 2013:

  • Translation is not easy
  • GSoC 2014 Kickoff
  • Setting the record straight for sites on Joomla! 1.5
  • sh404SEF® released

Translation is not easy

Written by Brian Teeman

This blog is in English and it will never be available in any other language as I just don't have the skills to translate it myself. I am definitely not going to install some plugin to add automated translations as I believe that will give a very poor translation.

You might decide to add that to your site but I always feel that offering up no translation is better than a bad translation. On many sites the language switcher does not even indicate that it is a machine translation and what kind of impression does a bad translation create for your readers. So it is something that I have never done on any site I have been involved with.

My last blog post Is joomla really easy has been going down very well and many people asked me if they could translate it and to post it on their own web sites. As the license for all content on this site is WTFPL you don't have to ask me to let you as I will never say no. You can just go ahead and translate it and it's down to the translator if they even let me know about the translation, but it is still nice to be asked.

Read the complete post here..

GSoC 2014 Kickoff

Written by Chad Windnagle

Google Summer of Code is close and fast approaching! I’m proud to say that over the last two years Joomla has had a very successful GSoC program with a great success rate of projects that have become major Joomla features or essential developer tools in libraries.

I’m personally excited to be able to coordinate the program again this year. It’s a fact though, the only way that such a program is successful is because of the wonderful volunteer efforts that go into coordinating the program and mentoring the students.

There are a few key places that we could really use some volunteer help this year: Project Management, Student Mentors (Primary and Backup), and Testers.

Google requires we have two dedicated project managers, this role doesn’t necessarily require code level experience, but good communication skills and some availability in terms of time would definitely be essential!

Read the complete post here..

Setting the record straight for sites on Joomla! 1.5

Written by Michael Babker

It has come to our attention that some hosting companies are force upgrading or suspending Joomla 1.5 users citing security concerns.

We would like to clear the air, even though Joomla 1.5 is not officially supported any more, it is still a secure system as long as you have a patch for the one reported issue in place. There are no known vulnerabilities with Joomla 1.5.26.

Site Owners using Joomla! 1.5, what are your options?

In an ideal world, website owners should already be migrated to Joomla 2.5.x or 3.x or at least in the planning stages to do so by now. But for whatever reasons you cannot do a migration immediately, it means you need to communicate with your hosting provider to make sure they support Joomla 1.5.

If you are a Joomla site owner with a site on one of the hosts forcing a migration, here are your options:

Read the complete post here..

sh404SEF® released

Written by Ron van Schaik

Today we released sh404SEF® 4.3.0 (build 1671) which is compatible with Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x.

This is an Feature and Maintenance Release.

Most notably this release includes new features such as: built-in One-Click Update, Google Analytics Universal support, and Google Tags Manager support.

IMPORTANT: You MUST UPDATE your sh404SEF® first, before any attempt to upgrade Joomla! from 3.1.x or older to 3.2.x. Doing so will likely results in broken web site. If you do so, please see FAQ on support site.

Changelog Updates for sh404SEF®

Read the complete post here..

Read 3184 times Originally published on Friday, 24 January 2014 11:18
Last modified on Thursday, 30 January 2014 00:02
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