Joomla blog posts from around the web (49/11)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (49/11)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 49: 

• Thanks to Pizza, Bugs and Fun Participants!
• DOCman 1.6.3 released
• Introducing Zentools
• How to add a default menu item in Joomla
• Celebrate Christmas by taking 100% off redSHOP with purchase of sh404SEF
• Flexible Desktop Browser and Mobile Grid Layout Template Framework for Joomla v1.7
• Remarkable Joomla powered websites - Amazing illustrations for your desirable websites

Thanks to Pizza, Bugs and Fun Participants!

Written by Andrea Tarr

Thanks to everyone who participanted in the Joomla! Pizza, Bugs and Fun this past weekend. Over 60 people worldwide tested, coded/fixed and documented new features and issues in Joomla! 2.5, helping to get it ready for release. Some of the countries represented were the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, Israel, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Argentina,  Australia, Malaysia, South Africa, Algeria and India. Over half of the people participating were not in the Joomla Bug Squad so we had a lot of new volunteers. It was great to see so many people come out to help.

Read the complete post here..

DOCman 1.6.3 released

Written by Ray

We are pleased to announce the immediately availability of DOCman 1.6.3 for Joomla 1.7. This release is available for download for all members of our Member Center. 

This hotfix release fixes one (1) major bug in 1.6.2. This bug also affects all previous versions of DOCman 1.6.x. running on Joomla 1.7.3. DOCman 1.6.x running on Joomla 1.7.2 or below is not affected. This bug does not affect the DOCman 1.5.x series 

We became aware of issues with DOCman 1.6.x running on Joomla 1.7.3 through user reports on our forums. A change in Joomla 1.7.3 caused an unanticipated `Itemid` regression in DOCman.

Read the complete post here..

Introducing Zentools

Written by  Anthony Olsen

For some time now we have been working on streamlining our workflow and in particular consolidating some of our core code base. The unified Zen Grid Framework Plugin we released along with the Responsive Joomla template were the first wave of the consolidation and I am happy to say that stage two is now here.  The Zentools module is a flexible (read responsive) Joomla module that can deliver some stunning content and image galleries from a range of content sources.  Check out the demo here or grab yourself a copy.

Read the complete post here..

How to add a default menu item in Joomla

Written by  Anthony Olsen

After years of using Joomla it's easy to lose sight of the simple things. We get asked a lot of the same questions on our forum about how to use Joomla and by far the most popular is the one concerning the Joomla menu item id issue that we covered a while ago. 

Last week we were asked how to create a default menu item in Joomla and so I have just posted the tutorial for creating a blog category menu item and setting it to the default menu in Joomla 1.7. 

Over the next few weeks we will be populating the Using Joomla section of our knowledgebase in the hope that we cover a good portion of the questions that new users have when they first start using Joomla. So if you have any questions that are screaming out to be answered let us know and we will add them to the list.

Read the complete post here..

Celebrate Christmas by taking 100% off redSHOP with purchase of sh404SEF

Written by  Victor Drover

Each year during the winter holidays we try to partner up with an influential Joomla developer to produce a special package of savings for our customers. 

2011 is no different and this year we have partnered with redCOMPONENT, the very well known Joomla development house. 

Starting today, any regularly-priced purchase of sh404SEF® or the Events + SEO bundle comes with a free, 12 month subscription to redSHOP, the hottest E-commerce package for Joomla.

Read the complete post here..

Flexible Desktop Browser and Mobile Grid Layout Template Framework for Joomla v1.7

Yes, you've probably used a grid framework in the past. Yes, you've probably created an alternative mobile friendly template. But have you done it all in one, as one template in Joomla v1.7? Well read on and I'll tell you about my new fun template that's great on desktops & mobile browsers.

Not so long ago, I discovered a great bunch of geeks in California ( who had created a fun to use grid framework. Their main aims were to create a grid framework for rapid prototyping of websites for desktops, but at the same time a template that was friendly/viewable on mobiles.

Read the complete post here..

Remarkable Joomla powered websites - Amazing illustrations for your desirable websites

Written by Dao Ngoc Anh

Today, the internet has become an integral part in the lives of modern humans. You can sit for hours on the Internet to chat with friends, update information, and satisfy hobbies like listening to music, watching movies, writing blogs or simply visiting your favorite webpages like fashion, television shows or online shopping... 

Have you ever exclaimed "so amazing, very beautiful!" to show appreciation when you see a very impressive site? You give it praise and admiration... Why not make your own site which you can be proud of. With a platform tool Joomla, the desirable website was born. Let's explore these remarkable Joomla powered websites from the Joomla Community Showcase. Who knows, in the future, you may have a beautiful site by yourself? Joomla template customization is not too difficult to do.

Read the complete post here..

Read 4301 times Originally published on Wednesday, 21 December 2011 14:00
Last modified on Thursday, 26 January 2012 22:01
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