Kristoffer Sandven
Kristoffer Sandven is a photographer, filmmaker and web consultant living in Oslo, Norway. He's the founder and author of JoomlaBlogger.
Buy a Quick Look listing on Joomlablogger.net
There are literally thousands of Joomla! extensions and templates available online. How will users find yours?
Quick Looks are a way for you as a developer to place your product in front of the Joomla! audience.
What you will get:
A one-page Quick Look listing for your product
- A brief introduction about the product
- Up to 6 screenshots (580px wide + 800px wide lightbox version)
- Captions on all images
- Up to 8 standout features for your product (bullet points)
- Up to 3 text links back to your site (dofollow!)
- Here's an example Quick Look post.
Reach thousands of Joomla! users
A Quick Look will put your product in front of thousands of Joomla! users, many of which are willing to spend their money on good quality products. The Quick Look listing will be promoted on the blog (sidebar), at least three times on Twitter during different timezones (2000+ followers) and on the JoomlaBlogger Facebook page. The Quick Look might also be mentioned in my weekly newsletter (1000+ subscribers). All in all, you will get a lot of exposure!
All this for a one-time fee of USD 100.
Payment is done via Paypal.
- The payment is a one-time fee. Payment is done via Paypal.
- The Quick Look post will stay at the blog as long as the product is valid as described in the post. Posts about discontinued products or services may be removed by the blog owner.
- Changes to more than screenshot or two or simple text changes will be considered a new listing.
How to book a Quick Look listing
To produce your Quick Look listing, I'll need the following elements from you:
- A brief introduction about the product
- One image to be used as the main illustration (in listing pages and in the intro text).
- Up to 6 screenshots (580px wide + 800px wide lightbox version)
- One line captions for each screenshot
- Up to 8 standout features for your product (bullet points)
- Up to 3 text links back to your site (dofollow!).
- Here's an example Quick Look post.
- Provide your Paypal email address in the email.
Some notes on how to make your Quick Look more successful:
- Make sure to include screenshots that are clear and shows the inner workings of the system. Things that you would need to buy the product to see. The point of a Quick Look is to give an inside look at a product or service.
- Close-ups of front end elements are good.
- Admin panels showing key features and unique selling points also work well.
Book your Quick Look listing today by emailing me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
One year - 200 blog posts! What a ride!
Indeed, what a ride!
I just realized that two days ago, it was one year since I published the first post on this blog.
Since then I've published over 200 posts about Joomla and SEO. And it wouldn't have happened without the support of a very special person: YOU!
I want to thank you for reading my blog, following my newsletter and Tweets.
I want to thank you for using Joomla.
And I really hope to interact with you as a reader and Joomla user in the future.
I've come to know a lot of people because of this blog. Online, first and foremost. But soon I will have the opportunity to meet a lot of these amazing people in person, at the J! and Beyond conference in Wiesbaden, Germany. I'm really look forward to seeing you guys. To talk shop. To hang out. To explore the diverse aspects of German drinking culture ;)
Stay tuned - and don't hesitate to send me your suggestions for topics to explore on this blog. Comment on the posts and interact with other users. Sharing is what makes a vibrant Joomla! community.
Again - thank you reading and sharing!
JoomlaBlogger articles - now also in Spanish

My Spanish friends approached me a while ago about republishing my articles in Spanish. After some back-and-forth I agreed - and I'm happy with the result.
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by Kristoffer Sandven and owned by the company iSee Communications as, Horten, Norway. For questions about this blog, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network or our own direct sales of ads. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.
The owner(s) of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.
This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified.
Finally on New Server
I moved the blog to a new server a few days ago. I hope you can notice the speed difference.
The old server had an old version of MySQL, and the same goes for PHP. So it was about time I switched.
Advertise on JoomlaBlogger.net
JoomlaBlogger.net is targeted at Joomla developers, users and others interested in how to use, install, configure and sell Joomla CMS websites. We welcome advertisers who provide value to our readers through services related to Joomla, web development, web design, blogging, internet marketing and other related areas.
Please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.
Site Stats
- Pageviews: 17.000+ / month
- Unique visitors: 7.500+ / month
- Average Visitor Length: Approx. 1:40 min / day
- New Visits: Approx. 72%
- Alexa Rank: 57.805
- RSS readers/mail subscribers: 580+
- Twitter followers: 1400+
- Google Indexed pages: 600+
- Google Page Rank: 5
Ad buys are sold on a per month period using a PayPal subscription service.
Ads will auto renew every month unless you cancel the subscription.
Available ad types
1. 300x250 banner - right column
Located in the right hand column just above the subscription box (above the fold).
Only 4 ad rotations are available.
Pricing is $90 per month.
Discount available if you sign up for 3 months or more.
2. 120x600 banner - outside main frame
Located in the right hand side of the site, outside the main area.
Only one spot is available. Price: $100 per month.
3. 125x125 button - right column
Your ad will be shown together with up to 7 other ads in the right hand column of all pages.
Only seven spots are available.The button can not be bigger than 15K in size. Animation allowed but no Flash.
Pricing is $25 per month per button.
Discount available if you sign up for 3 months or more.
4. 336x280 banner - below content
Located in immidiately below the article, this ad is very visible for everyone who has read the whole article or scrolled down to see the comments.
Only 4 ad rotations are available.
Pricing is $120 per month.
Discount available if you sign up for 3 months or more.
5. Sponsored Tweets
The blog accepts sponsored tweets at $5.00 per tweet. Your message may be tweeted up to three times to give you a good return on investment. We write our tweets with the goal of having it retweeted by our followers.
Contact me to advertise
To advertise, contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Best regards,
Kristoffer Sandven
The JoomlaBlogger
Subscribe to the JoomlaBlogger newsletter
To keep track of what's going on here at JoomlaBlogger, the best way is to subscribe to my mailing list.
As a subscriber, you will get:
- A weekly summary of blog posts - tips, tutorials and news
from the last seven days at joomlablogger.net - My FREE ebook -The Best of Joomlablogger.net.
The ebook contains the most popular posts from this blog, in one convenient PDF file. - Exclusive offers and discount codes
At least two as soon as you sign up! - You'll be the first to know
when I release something new on my blog (exciting things are coming!) - Occasional special newsletters
with additional information on selected subjects - exclusive to JoomlaBlogger subscribers!
Also, you will receive an occasional special newsletter with content written exclusively for my subscribers.
What current subscribers are saying:
I'm a 6th grade teacher in Phoenix, Arizona and am starting my own educational blog. I love your website! Thank you for helping us newbies discover the world of open source through Joomla!
Len, U.S.
You are just incredible. I personally appreciate your love towards Joomla. I think currently you are one of the best Professional Joomla Blogger of the world.
Kundan, India
I have to pay my respect for your incredible site and job you are doing. You are offering to the community and this is great! Thank you very much for your offer to produce articles regarding problems that we might face with Joomla.
Theo, Greece
I would like to thank you for all the great work on your site and newsletter. It is a great resource and reference.
So, what are you waiting for?
Subscribe to my weekly newsletter - it's free! I'm looking forward to meeting you on the "inside" :)
Best regards,
Kristoffer Sandven
Founder and author of Joomlablogger.net
What would you like me to write about regarding Joomla?
Tutorials you need? Things you are struggling with?
Let me know what you want me to write about. I love Joomla and will write about things I discover while working with this CMS. However, if you have something you're strugglig with - please let me know. It might become a blog post which will help you and lot of fellow Joomla users.
About JoomlaBlogger
Welcome to JoomlaBlogger, a blog about the content management system Joomla! and all things related to running a successful website based on this CMS.
My name is Kristoffer Sandven and I work as a professional Search Engine Optimizer (SEO) and a Joomla consultant. I help clients get as much traffic as possible to their pages, and to convert those visitors to revenue.
In my day-to-day job with Joomla, I continuously discover things that can be shared with you, fellow Joomla addict, for our common benefit: Making Joomla a better and even more widespread platform. The goal of this blog is to inspire you, to help you implement Joomla for your use and eventually assist you in making money by doing so. I hope you will find useful content here, and please don't hesitate to contact me with ideas for topics.
Photo: Marius Waldal from Framed Reality
Joomla 2.5.0 released
Joomla, one of the world's most popular open source content management systems (CMS) used for everything from websites to blogs to Intranets, today announces the immediate availability of Joomla 2.5. Along with new features such as advanced search and automatic notification of Joomla core and extension updates, the Joomla CMS for the first time includes multi-database support with the addition of Microsoft SQL Server. Previous versions of Joomla were compatible exclusively with MySQL databases.