Joomla blog posts from around the web (13/11)

joomla-week-13Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 13:

Exact Software Uses Joomla!

Joomla Day New England was this weekend and Jen Kramer shares some of her insights.

Outstanding Dutch Joomla Community Celebrates Sixth Joomla Day.

The Eiffel Tower official website uses Joomla!

JoomlaBamboo has published an update to the JB Type plugin.

Have a great week!

Exact Software Uses Joomla

Written by Steve Burge

Before every Joomla Day this year we're featuring a major Joomla site from the country hosting the event. This weekend is Joomla Day Netherlands and they actually have six high-profile Joomla sites.

Read the complete post here...

Outstanding Dutch Joomla Community Celebrates Sixth Joomla Day

Written by Steve Burge

Looking for the most active and successful Joomla community in the world? There's a good chance you'll find it in the  Netherlands. The community in the Netherlands and Belguim runs multiple Joomla User Groups and this weekend will hold its sixth Joomla Day.

Read the complete post here...

Joomla Day New England

Written by Steve Burge

Yes, this weekend it's time for Joomla Day New England held in Vermont, U.S.. Before the event, we spoke with Jen  Kramer who's helping to organize the Joomla Day.

Read the complete post here... 

Eiffel Tower Uses Joomla

Written by Steve Burge

Joomla Day France is this weekend and this year we've been celebrating each Joomla Day by featuring a local Joomla  site.  This week we have a particularly big site: the official Eiffel Tower website runs on Joomla: Wikipedia says the tower is "the most-visited paid monument in the world; millions of people  ascend it every year."

Read the complete post here...

Highly Successful French Joomla Community is Holding Joomla Day France This Weekend

Written by Steve Burge

Yes, this weekend it's time for Joomla Day France held in Lyon. This year will mark the 5th Joomla Day France so  congratulations are in order for the whole French Joomla Community.

Read the complete post here...

Introducing Shop Ignition - A Joomla Shop Template

Written by  Anthony Olsen

It's been sometime since we released an ecommerce Joomla template and i've certainly had some fun exploring what two "newish" commerce extensions for Joomla have to offer Joomla users. Shop Ignition is another inspiring David Vuu creation that comes with two tailor made templates for both Tienda and Redshop as well as the obligatory k2 template for those that want to extend their Joomla 1.5 content.

Read the complete post here...


An update to the JB Type plugin

Written by  Anthony Olsen

I've just released v1.2 of our free JB Type plugin that sports some swanky new icons from the Iconic icon collection. This icon collection sports 136 lovely high contrast and very useful icons but for the sake of overload we have managed to cut down the new additions to 25 icons. You can see the new icons featured in our latest Joomla template release - Shop Ignition - or just go straight to the JB Type download or the JB Type documentation for the JB Type Plugin.

Read the complete post here...

Read 5108 times Originally published on Monday, 04 April 2011 15:00
Last modified on Friday, 08 April 2011 16:21
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