Joomla blog posts from around the web (19/11)


Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 19:

J & Beyond 2011 - The aftermath

Open Source Matters at J and Beyond

The JAB11 King Skis!

Joomla related Domain Names for sale

Have a great week!

J & Beyond 2011 - The aftermath

Written by Brian Teeman

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few weeks you will know that the largest international gathering of the Joomla development community took place at the beginning of the month in Kerkrade, The Netherlands.  Rather than write a report on the event in the immediate aftermath I thought I would wait a while and try and allow some time to get my thoughts in order. Of course the opportunity to sober up and grab more than 2 hours sleep would also help.

Read the complete post here...

Open Source Matters at J and Beyond

Written by Alice Grevet

From May 6 - 8 in Kerkrade, The Netherlands, 220 Joomla! community members gathered at the unforgettable JandBeyond conference. Among them were 10 members of the Board of Open Source Matters (OSM). We came as community members to connect, network, and meet again or for the first time many of the people who make the Joomla! Open Source project such an exciting place to be.

Read the complete post here...

The JAB11 King Skis!

Written by Amy Stephen

Alex and Jack Bremer shared this video of their personal jab11 experiences, embodying the spirit of fun that each J and Beyond participant felt. If you did not attend, make certain to mark May 18, 2012 on your calendar next year. It's good for the Joomla soul.

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Joomla related Domain Names for sale

Written by Thomas Kahl

I have checked the list of our registered domain names this week. There are some domains i have registered over the years with an idea in mind – but as often, there was not enough time to realise the ideas.  Here is a list of domain names i would like to offer, because i don’t think that i will use them in the near future. Maybe some of them could be interesting for you:

Read the complete post here...

Read 5237 times Originally published on Monday, 23 May 2011 01:00
Last modified on Sunday, 29 May 2011 21:07
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