J and Beyond 2012 in Bad Neuheim, Germany - call for papers

J and Beyond 2012 in Bad Neuheim, Germany - call for papers

J and Beyond, an International Joomla® Conference in May 18th - 20th, 2012, Bad Nauheim, Germany is coming and the deadline for submitting proposals for sessions is on 1st April.

J and Beyond, an International Joomla! Conference, is back for the third year. For 3 days in May (18th -20th) Joomla! developers and site builders from over 30 countries will gather in Bad Nauheim, near Frankfurt, right in the heart of Europe.

J and Beyond is your opportunity to: Learn from others, Present your ideas, Plan for the future, Meet the people behind the avatar AND most importantly - to have fun!


The programme for J and Beyond is created by you the participants through a public "Call for Papers" and this year for the first time we will be integrating the Joomla! Project Roadmap sessions.

Any and every participant has the opportunity to present a paper which can be either a presentation, tutorial or workshop. This is your opportunity to not only meet your peers but to share your ideas, experiences and projects.

Before submitting a paper please spend a moment or two to consider if it is appropriate. If you think it sounds like something you would be interested in attending then you are off to a good start.

Educate people

A simple product demonstration is probably not the right presentation for J and Beyond, the attendees are more than capable of downloading software and checking it out for themselves. Think beyond the obvious and try to propose sessions that will truly inform, educate and engage with the unique audience at J and Beyond. More details and ideas are available online.

Get your tickets now

Tickets for J and Beyond are on sale at a discounted price of only 149 Euros until 1st April.

I will be there, as I was last year and the year before. See you there??

Read 5414 times Originally published on Tuesday, 06 March 2012 13:00
Last modified on Monday, 05 March 2012 15:52
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