Kristoffer Sandven
Kristoffer Sandven is a photographer, filmmaker and web consultant living in Oslo, Norway. He's the founder and author of JoomlaBlogger.
Instagram user? Use the images in Joomla, too
If you're like me, you have an iPhone or other type of smartphone. And chances are that you also use Instagram - that nifty, little app to capture, manipulate and share images. Now, you can combine the forces of Instagram and Joomla by using the Instagram servers to host your images.
InstaImages is a new extension for Joomla that gives you a whole new way using images on your Joomla web site. Snap a photo with your smartphone, and instantly use the image in your Joomla content without even uploading.
Joomla blog posts from around the web (32/12)
Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 32:
• JoomlaDay South Africa Cape Town 17-18 Aug 2012
• Joomla.org migrated to Joomla! 2.5
• 2012 goals and budget for the Joomla! project
• Open Source Matters Second Quarter 2012 Goals Update
• Targetting featured items in Zentools
Joomla business templates, August 2012
Every month, each of the major Joomla template clubs release a new template.
In this post, I take another look at the premium business Joomla templates released. This time for the month of August 2012.
There are templates from Yootheme, RocketTheme, Joomla Bamboo, JoomlArt, JoomlaShack, JoomlaXTC and Shape5 on display this month. Enjoy!
Joomla blog posts from around the web (31/12)
Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 31:
• The 3 Things You Need to Know About Joomla 3
• Joomla! Day Chicago Business Expo and Learning Conference - Register and Attend - August 10th - 11th
• 2012 goals and budget for the Joomla! project
• Joomla.org migrated to Joomla! 2.5
Joomla blog posts from around the web (30/12)
Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 30:
• Server Joomla Forum has been upgraded
• Responsive Design: Part 3 - RocketTheme's Extensions
• Book Review: Beginners Guide to Joomla 2.5
• Secrets of Getting an A+ Joomla! Reputation and Attracting A+ Clients
• 5 helpful Joomla video tutorial resources for you
Optimizing your Joomla site for speed
The speed at which your site loads is very important. Firstly, a fast loading site will have your readers stick around longer. If they are served content fast, it is more tempting to click on another link to read more. Nobody wants to wait for a slow site.
Secondly, speed has become a major issue when it comes to SEO. Search engines, and particularly Google, now take the loading speed of a page into consideration when ranking the page for result pages. In particular, slow loading sites will be pushed down in the search results. The reason is that Google wants to serve its users with the most relevant content available, and in the shortest time possible. Giving people links to slow sites is not a good idea, so fast-loading sites will now appear higher in the search engine result pages.
There are several things you can do to optimize your site for speed. One way is to limit the use of installed extensions. In this post, you’ll learn some more ways to improve the loading speed of your blog.
Adding functionality to your Joomla site
As you know, one of the strengths of Joomla lies in its extensibility. There are an incredible number of extensions and templates out there for you to chose from. You can find something for almost any purpose, and the number of extensions and solutions for Joomla increases every day.
From all of these, there are things you can add to the blog that will add value for your readers. Commenting, social media integration and RSS feeds are some of the things you can make use of. In the following chapter, I will discuss how you can find useful, value-adding features for your blog.
Essential parts of a blog
There are some things that just have to be part of a blog. Good content is obviously the most important aspect. In addition to that, however, there are some elements that make a blog successful, easy to read and will help you achieve your goals faster.
In this post, I'll go through some elements I consider essential to a blog.
Joomla blog posts from around the web (29/12)
Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 29:
• Joomla Infographic: Joomla 2006-2012
• Responsive Design: Part 1 - RocketTheme's Plan
• Responsive Design: Part 2 - RocketTheme's Solution
• Olympics 2012 – Where we will be
• What does Joomla 3.0 mean for Joomlabamboo?
• Look out Joomla 3.0 is on it's way
• New K2 video class by OSTraining
Joomla blog posts from around the web (28/12)
Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 28:
• Developers: Joomla 3 is Coming
• What is Joomla? Video
• Open Source Matters First Quarter 2012 Goals Update
• Introducing a new responsive Joomla template
• Enhance your social SEO campaign by adding Pinterest to your Joomla web site
• Joomla affiliate program : make money online step by step
• 4 Must-have Joomla e-books for Joomla newbies
• Five Tips for Supercharging Your Joomla Business