Joomla blog posts from around the web (10/11)

joomla-week-10Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 10.

Joomla! Day Pune, India to be broadcast LIVE!

New projectfork theme and admin template by Anthony.

Joomlabamboo version 3.0 is introduced.

Bouml can automatically generate HTML documentation.

A jquery snippet to test window height

Written by Anthony Olsen

jQuery as you are probably aware is sometimes billed as javascript for designers. I don't pretend to be a javascript expert by any means, but what I love about jQuery is that it's possible to cobble together some simple code that will work around some design constraint without needing to have an indepth working knowledge of core javascript principles.

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Joomla! Day Pune, India to be broadcast LIVE!

Written by Matt Lipscomb

On Saturday, 12 March 2011, from the Joomla Community Livestream channel, Joomla! Day Pune, India 2011  will be broadcast live.  Joomla! Day Pune, India has requested the ability to provide free access  world-wide to the event.

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Joomla Day India: Tata Nano Runs Joomla

Written by Steve Burge

This is the third Joomla event to take part in a new tradition we're starting in 2011: Before each  Joomla!Day around the world we're going to feature a great local Joomla site.

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A projectfork theme and admin template for March

Written by Anthony Olsen

Our March Joomla Template, called Project, is going to revolutionise the way you approach project management from within Joomla.  Project is a simple, slick and fast loading Joomla template that will come with a Project Fork theme, a K2 Wiki-style theme and a custom skin for the new forum on the block - Ninja Board.

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Open sourcing leadership lessons learned at Open Source Days 2011

Written by Ryan Ozimek

I look back at the Joomla project's more than five years of history as something that could be the makings  of either a great book or at minimum a documentary on success and challenges in open source leadership.   We've been through it all, the highs and lows, and we continue to keep moving forward.

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Introducing Joomlabamboo version 3.0

Written by Anthony Olsen

It's more than a year since we last dropped a new design on the main Joomlabamboo site and while i had planned to do this a few weeks from now I caught the realign bug and so have spent the last few days implementing the new design as well as some new content.

Read the complete post here... 

That ole devil called CCK

Written by Joss Sanglier

Anyone who knows me, knows I have loyalty issues. I own a digital camera, a nice Nikon, but I use a 35mm  SLR when I am bored. I am a serious cook who can toss 20 pancakes in a row without dropping one and chop  and onion is record time, but I like non stick pans. I am devoted to Joomla, yet my blog is wordpress.

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Using Bouml for joomla documentation

Written by Philippe Lambotte

I use Bouml for UML modeling. This software can generate UML classes from PHP files. In addition it can  automatically generate HTML documentation.  So I tried with joomla 1.6 and you can see the generated  documentation on this link:

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Kidnapped by aliens?

Written by Wilco Jansen

JFoobar was down for a while, and people might have noticed I have barely been in touch with anyone. I  have been able to send out some messages to people, but that was since I was able to hack the proxy on  planet Gliese 581g to send some messages out. This planet was discovered by earth in September 2010, but  since the Aliens are far more sophisticated then us earthlings I have been able to travel back and forth  around 130 times in barely a year.

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Design Inspiration - Phase 2

Written by Anthony Olsen

While it might seem strange to feature a site that specialises in using Drupal on this blog, I just cant go past the way this site has been implemented. I love the textures used in this design and the way that they have implemented that css "now you see me now you don't" trick, not to mention the pure scale of the design concept - awesome work.

Read the complete post here...

Read 6130 times Originally published on Tuesday, 15 March 2011 00:00
Last modified on Tuesday, 15 March 2011 08:43
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