RocketTheme teams up with JomSocial for discount

Affinity - RocketTheme template for July 2009RocketTheme has spent two months developing their new Affinity template. And there are a few good reasons for it.

The new Affinity template features a new module reordering ability. The function lets you order blocks vertically and modules horizontally in those blocks. You can reorder modules vertically in a module position. The order of the modules and blocks is remembered by the browser by use of a cookie. This way, the user sees the site the same way every time they visit the page - if they use the same browser, that is.

Styling for 3rd party extensions

In the past, I've had some pain using ready-made templates for Joomla. Sometimes the CSS and HTML structure is so complex that it takes a lot of styling to get other 3rd party extensions to look good when used with the template.

With Affinity, RocketTheme provides styling for some popular 3rd party extensions. The template was made from a social networking standpoint. Thus, they've provided compatibility and styling for JomSocial from Azrul, K2 from JoomlaWorks and Community Builder from JoomlaPolis. As RocketTheme also has a phpBB club, in addition to their Joomla club, they decided to make a phpBB styled version of the template as well. I guess this template will be a great choice if you want to build a social networking site of any kind.

Special offer for RocketTheme members

Jomsocial discountAs an exclusive offer to the Joomla Club members, the folks behind JomSocial offers a $50 off coupon for JomSocial Standard and Pro editions. In my world that's a good value offer, as the JomSocial Standard Edition is priced at $99 and the Professional Edition at $149.

I have yet to test JomSocial on any of my sites, but it sure looks good.

Do you have any experience with JomSocial or the other components mentioned here? Please comment.

Read 8676 times Originally published on Friday, 03 July 2009 08:56
Last modified on Tuesday, 31 May 2011 13:33
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