How to report a Joomla bug

How to report a Joomla bug

The CMS called Joomla is a product in constant evolution. Yesterday, the Joomla Production Leadership Team released Joomla 1.7.1. And it's all based on volunteer efforts. When a new version like 1.7 is released, there is bound to be number of bugs or incompatibilities in it. The complexity of Joomla, all the extensions and templates available, as well as the human factor makes that an inevitable fact. And sometimes, one finds out that the solution that was chosen doesn't work as well as expected and needs to be adjusted.

To be able to find all bugs and incompatibilities, the PLT, needs feedback from the community.

The question is, how do you report a bug in a way that is useful?

If you're like me, you are not a developer. And you don't know how to fix a programming error. Don't worry. You are not expected to fix the issue. But reporting it in the correct way will help the PLT fix the bug as soon as possible.

The process for fixing a bug is:

  1. Go to -> Project Joomla -> CMS issue tracker (register if you are not already a member)
  2. Open a new tracker item and report your bug
  3. Someone from the bug squad will check it, confirm and assign it to someone who can create a patch
  4. A patch will be made to fix the bug -> status will be pending 5.
  5. Two testers will test the patch. If successful -> status Ready to Commit
  6. A PLT member with permission to do so will commit -> status Bug Fixed

The fun part is that you only need to do the first two steps.

So, now you know - no more excuses ;)

Read 11252 times Originally published on Tuesday, 27 September 2011 11:00
Last modified on Friday, 17 February 2012 15:11
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