Help Matias Aguirre meet other Joomla! developers at J and Beyond 2011

Matias Aguirre, developer of jUpgrade Matias Aguirre, developer of jUpgrade

The guys over at JoomStew have started an initative to help Matias Aguirre. He's the developer of the jUpgrade migration tool for Joomla 1.5 to 1.6.

He will benefit greatly if he's able to attend the J and Beyond event in The Netherlands this May. And so will you - as it will improve the way his migration component works and what it supports.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have the $2500 required for attendance and accomodation.

That's why the JoomStew people have started a fundraising initative to help him go to the event.

Attending this event will help Matias improve his Migration tool jUpgrade. This will directly help hundreds of thousands of Joomla site owners across the globe.

I interviewed Matias a couple of weeks ago about the Joomla 1.5 to 1.6 migration project.

JoomStew writes in their blog post:

Matias Aguirre has contributed quite a lot of time developing the jUpgrade migration component that will take you from 1.5 to 1.6. We here at JoomStew are putting out a call to the Joomla! Community to encourage you to give something back. You can make a contribution to send Matias to J and Beyond 2011 in May.

Donate to Help Matias Get to J! and Beyond 2011!

We have set up a Chip-in widget to raise $2500 by March 1, 2011. This money goes directly to Matias’ PayPal account in order for him to arrange his travel from Buenos Aires to Kerkrade, The Netherlands, as well as his lodging.

He will not be able to attend this event without our help and we feel that he is giving so much to the Joomla! community. Join us in saying thank you!

I think this is a great initative. And the fact that the effort has raised over $600 after just a few hours, is a great testament to the community spirit of Joomla!

Read 7569 times Originally published on Thursday, 27 January 2011 20:17
Last modified on Wednesday, 01 February 2012 13:47
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