Kristoffer Sandven
Kristoffer Sandven is a photographer, filmmaker and web consultant living in Oslo, Norway. He's the founder and author of JoomlaBlogger.
Joomla tutorial: How to set up sh404SEF version 1.5
The addition of Search Friendly (SEF) URLs will add greatly to your site in terms of search engine visibility.
In this tutorial, I show you how to set up one of the most popular SEF extensions for Joomla - sh404SEF.
My favorite SEF extension for Joomla is sh404SEF. I have tried a few other extensions as well, but sh404SEF is the one I'm comfortable with and which best seems to meet my requirements. This tutorial will help you duplicate the setup I use here at Joomlablogger.net.
How to optimize your Joomla site for iPad
Earlier this year I went to London for a couple of days of vacation. And, as the Mac addict I am, I "had to" visit the Apples Stores. The first one I visited was the one in Regent Street, and after spending some time there I decided to buy an iPad. I had definitely thought about it before arriving, but when I'd played around with it for a while I decided.
I also visited the new Apple Store in Covent Garden, and added some accessories to my iPad. The store was great by the way: Huge, well organized and with a very friendly and efficient staff. The store was packed with people wanting the new iPhone 4.
So why do I tell you this? Well, as I started to play around with the iPad, I soon realized it had a lot of potential when it comes to web development. Making your site look good on the iOS platform and other mobile platforms will be more important each day. Even though I've made some efforts to optimize websites for the iPhone, it's not until I used an iPad that the real power of optimizing your site really shines through.
Tutorial: How to add module positions to a Joomla template - part 2
This is the second part of a two-part mini-series on how to add a module position to your Joomla template.
In this part I'm going to look at how to add the module position name to the template XML file.
I will also show you how to do some basic positioning and styling of the module using CSS.
Tutorial: How to add module positions to a Joomla template - part 1
Last week, I did a post on how to add Javascript snippets to Joomla. The way I did this was by adding module positions to the template.
In this post, I will delve deeper into how to add module positions to your template.
This is the first part of a two-part mini-series on how to add a module position to your Joomla template.
Joomla tutorial: Remove functions in the Joomla front end editor
Sometimes, I would like to restrict the way the Joomla front end editing works. More specifically, I want to restrict access to some of the features in the front end editing.
On one site I work on, I've restricted access to the 'Publish' and 'Show on Front Page' buttons. For this particular site, I want local editors of an organization to be able to enter new articles, and to edit the published articles. I don't want the local editors to be able to publish to the front page. This is something the editor-in-chief should do. Thus, this function needs to be removed from the front end editor.
I did this by editing the form page used to edit articles.
If you know some HTML and can read PHP you can remove / comment out the parts of the file you don't want the users to see. This will happen for all users without administrator privileges, though. I've put together a modification which removes the radio buttons for 'Publish' and 'Show on Front Page' if the user belongs to a lower access level groups than 'Manager'.
Joomla tutorial: Create line breaks in Joomla article titles
There are times when I need to have the title of an article break somewhere in the title itself. This is not something which is easy to do in Joomla without modifications, as far as I know.
By applying a small modification of the Joomla template overrides however, we can achieve our goal quite easily. Some restrictions apply, though.
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create the line breaks by replacing text in article titles on the fly.
Joomla tutorial: How to create and use a Favicon in Joomla
A favicon is a small 16x16 pixel icon that shows up in the browser address bar and in bookmarks to a site. You can see an example of this here at JoomlaBlogger.net.
Here, I'll show you how to create and implement a favicon on your Joomla site.
Why I won't use a Joomla Newsletter Component
As you might know, I have a mailing list here at Joomlablogger.net. You might even be a subscriber (I certainly hope so!).
There are several products available for managing a mailing list in Joomla. And there are even more services available for managing an online mailing list.
I have chosen Aweber.com - an online, paid mailing list service. And I'll tell you why (there are compelling reasons to do so).
Joomla business templates, August 2011
Every month, each of the major Joomla templat>e clubs release a new template.
In this post, I take a look at the premium business Joomla templates released for August 2011.
There are templates from Yootheme, RocketTheme, Joomla Bamboo, JoomlArt, JoomlaShack, Shape5 and CloudAccess in this round-up. I have taken a quick look at each one, and I've gathered a few details about each one. You should be able to find something that fits your needs and style.
Joomla business templates, july 2011
Every month, each of the major Joomla template clubs release a new template. In this post, I take a look at the premium business Joomla templates released for July 2011.
An interesting thing this month is that both the Joomla Bamboo Newscycle, the JoomlArt JA Bistro and the Yootheme Downtown templates use the ribbon shadow effect for their modules. Of course, they've done it in a slightly different way for each one. Apparently it's a coincidence, so it seems it's a popular design element these days.